Education & University Joomla Template
Education websites should be easy to build now with Gavick University Joomla Template - ACADEMY. The template is created with elegant and modern design to help your education business stand out in the market.
Simple design, but sophisticated: Visitors prefer not to stay on a complex website. We kept the template concise with organized layouts and blocks while keeping the formality of how the university is supposed to be.
Elegant Joomla Template For Education & University Websites

The Gavick University Joomla Template is packed with different layout structures on desktop view and mobile view. It ensures responsiveness and convenience when browsing, while preserving the elegance, yet the simplicity of the template. The template is supported by:
- Sticky header with right and left sections
- Slider with pictures and call to action button
- Gallery & blog sections
Beautiful and dedicated Events layout

You can now easily add or remove your real time events with an all-in-one event management platform. Let your students keep track of these events on a daily basis!
Ready-to-use Learning Courses, Blog, Admission and Campus Life

You might have many education services available on your campus. It’s time to place them all on your admission page to help your students navigate through easier. A section packed with 4 columns and 2 rows is offered altogether with this template.
Nothing can connect with your students better than telling them your own stories. Blog and campus life sections are designed to help your students keep posted with your latest news while the event section is to encourage them to sign up and get more information about up-coming events of your university.

Fully responsive design

It’s a mobile-century! The template keeps your website mobile-friendly, speed-optimized and fully responsive on any devices. Be it table, desktop, laptop or mobile, every single detail and element is well taken care of and can work perfectly regardless of what your screen sizes are.
Responsiveness can make your site a rewarding site for Google search engine as Google had already started using mobile-friendliness as an imperative ranking signal.
All pages are displayed beautifully in responsive layouts

All Default Joomla pages are customized and styled to next level.

The Joomla template supports all Joomla default pages with customized style to be more beautiful and fit the template design.
- Contact us page - Get connected with an info-packed contact page, including email, contact form.
- Full-screen Search page - Search fields and tabs enriched with rich design!
- Under Construction page - Build anticipation with this expertly designed under construction page, with a countdown timer Nothing increases urgency, anticipations or conversions more than having this feature.
- Error page - Custom designed already packed with link to homepage to get visitor back to where he/she intended to actually go henceforth decreasing bounce rate and increasing User Experience.
Share your posts easily with our social network functionality

We included social sharing buttons that help website visitors spread your content quickly to their social networks. Not only you have a chance to showcase what you got but also you get them opportunities to share your valuable content to others.
- Updated on:
- 02 May, 2024
- Minimum Requirements
- Version:
- 2.1.1
- Documentation
- Compatibility:
- Joomla 4 & Joomla 5
- Support Forum
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