Language questions and few other things!
Writer, blogging theme for writers and authors | Support forum.
- GK User
- Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:53 pm
Hi guys!
I have one group of questions regarding the language and the other regarding few other smaller problems.
#1. I'm currently fine-tuning "Writer" theme based website and need to rename certain things to Croatian language. What is the best way to deal with it if i want to leave myself with the possibility of future English content (which means that i will have a bilingual site). Should i install certain plugin now or just rename everything and install mentioned plugin at a later stage.
Also, where i can rename the following things -
Which css file should i edit to add more social icon options? Where are icon images stored anyway?
Where can i rename homepage title if i want to override general settings and title format in Wordpress?
I have one group of questions regarding the language and the other regarding few other smaller problems.
#1. I'm currently fine-tuning "Writer" theme based website and need to rename certain things to Croatian language. What is the best way to deal with it if i want to leave myself with the possibility of future English content (which means that i will have a bilingual site). Should i install certain plugin now or just rename everything and install mentioned plugin at a later stage.
Also, where i can rename the following things -
- links like /category, /author, etc.;
pages like search and 404;
links (signs) like "comments", "author page", "date", "related post", "read more" (not the one on the front page), etc.
Which css file should i edit to add more social icon options? Where are icon images stored anyway?
Where can i rename homepage title if i want to override general settings and title format in Wordpress?
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:07 am
The best option is to translate your theme (not changing source theme files). Please check this article: ... ranslation
You can also use a plugin like "Loco Translate"
If you want to have mutlilanguage website - your have to use WordPress multisite or multilanguage plugin, the Writer theme is compatible with WPML plugin.
#2 Regarding the social icons, please check this part of the documentation: ... cial-icons
If your want to use another icons, please use Font Awesome (it's built in).
#3 Title is taken from WordPress general settings (Site Title and Tagline options).
The best option is to translate your theme (not changing source theme files). Please check this article: ... ranslation
You can also use a plugin like "Loco Translate"
If you want to have mutlilanguage website - your have to use WordPress multisite or multilanguage plugin, the Writer theme is compatible with WPML plugin.
#2 Regarding the social icons, please check this part of the documentation: ... cial-icons
If your want to use another icons, please use Font Awesome (it's built in).
#3 Title is taken from WordPress general settings (Site Title and Tagline options).
- Moderator
- GK User
- Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:23 pm
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Hi,
The best option is to translate your theme (not changing source theme files). Please check this article: ... ranslation
You can also use a plugin like "Loco Translate"
If you want to have mutlilanguage website - your have to use WordPress multisite or multilanguage plugin, the Writer theme is compatible with WPML plugin.
#2 Regarding the social icons, please check this part of the documentation: ... cial-icons
If your want to use another icons, please use Font Awesome (it's built in).
#3 Title is taken from WordPress general settings (Site Title and Tagline options).
Hi, tnx!
#1. I will try this;
#2. I need to use Font Awesome, writer theme doesn't have instagram or tumblr icons. Do you have any Font Awesome tutorials except this one - Do i need to edit social menu .php file or not? If yes, where is it located?
#3. Actually, i have installed Yoast SEO so i need to follow their tutorial.
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:05 pm
Font Awesome are added to Writer theme, so you have to add proper classes only. Please check your icon classes here:
Then click i.e. on the instagram icon, the class is
so it's enough to use it in your social menu instead of i.e. "gk-icon-vimeo" in CSS classes field of menu item.
Then click i.e. on the instagram icon, the class is
- Code: Select all
fa fa-instagram
so it's enough to use it in your social menu instead of i.e. "gk-icon-vimeo" in CSS classes field of menu item.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:48 am
Hi! My reply follows + some new problems popped up!
#1. I've put Font Awesome icons under social menu & CSS classes, for example "fa,fa-twitter-square", but they are not working properly. If you go to and hoover them with your mice, at first sight they aren't clickable - they become after you go over them several times. Also, i don't know why is "fa fa-twitter-square" automatically changed to ""fa,fa-twitter-square"...
#2. I've arranged fonts as follows (i'm using latin extended because of č, ć, š, đ, ž) -
The thing is that the font for "other elements" isn't working properly - once again, you can check and see that the logo on the left top side isn't bold.
#3. There is no info in the support documentation on picture zoom effect when you hoover it on the right side widget or in the article. Is it possible to disable it?
#1. I've put Font Awesome icons under social menu & CSS classes, for example "fa,fa-twitter-square", but they are not working properly. If you go to and hoover them with your mice, at first sight they aren't clickable - they become after you go over them several times. Also, i don't know why is "fa fa-twitter-square" automatically changed to ""fa,fa-twitter-square"...
#2. I've arranged fonts as follows (i'm using latin extended because of č, ć, š, đ, ž) -
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
The thing is that the font for "other elements" isn't working properly - once again, you can check and see that the logo on the left top side isn't bold.
#3. There is no info in the support documentation on picture zoom effect when you hoover it on the right side widget or in the article. Is it possible to disable it?
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:26 am
#4. Which kind of code is writer theme using for the sharing social icons? I'm thinking of upgrading to addthis or sharethis to have more options, including Google Analytics tracking. Would this possible upgrade interfere with the default sharing icons?
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:27 am
Regarding the social icons and the font weight, please add the following custom css code:
The code for social sharing may be found in Writer/content-footer.php file, you can disable these icons in your Customize-> Features section and use any other 3rd party plugin.
Regarding the social icons and the font weight, please add the following custom css code:
- Code: Select all
.social-menu > li > a {
top: -21px;
#gk-logo-text > span {
font-weight: 900;
The code for social sharing may be found in Writer/content-footer.php file, you can disable these icons in your Customize-> Features section and use any other 3rd party plugin.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:29 am
If you want to remove the zoom effect, please add also the following custom css code:
- Code: Select all
.entry-thumbnail:hover > img,
.gk-nsp-image:hover {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.0);
-moz-transform: scale(1.0);
-ms-transform: scale(1.0);
-o-transform: scale(1.0);
transform: scale(1.0);
- Moderator
- GK User
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:20 pm
Everything works like a charm!
Thanks for helping out!
If any other problem pops up, i'll let you know (hopefully not hehe)...
Thanks for helping out!
If any other problem pops up, i'll let you know (hopefully not hehe)...

- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:31 pm
Piotr Kunicki wrote:The best option is to translate your theme (not changing source theme files). Please check this article: ... ranslation
Unfortunately this method isn't working any more. If i put .po & .mo files in wp-content/languages and define language in wp-config.php as $locale='hr_HR' only control panel is translated. If i put .po & .mo files in wp-content/themes/writer/languages and define define('WPLANG', 'en_GB') nothing happens as WPLANG is apparently depreciated.
What should i do? btw. my intention is to only translate frontend, not backend!
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:59 pm
Now if you want to change the language, you should do it in your General WordPress setting.
You can also use a plugin i.e. Loco Translate.
You can also use a plugin i.e. Loco Translate.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Thu Dec 17, 2015 4:29 pm
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Now if you want to change the language, you should do it in your General WordPress setting.
You can also use a plugin i.e. Loco Translate.
Hmmm, my main and only goal is to have translated frontend, not backend.
I've followed every single step mentioned under ... /beginners
.mo & .po files are created under wp-content/languages/themes/ and when i select Croatian language under WP settings (this option should also activate .mo & .po files created by the plugin) absolutely nothing happens - only backend (WP admin panel) switches to Croatian, but on the frontend side everything remains the same - translated terms are still intact and written in english.
Wordpress is constantly using Writer's english .pot file for the frontend.
Any advice?
- Fresh Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:33 am
Could you send me a private message with your website backend and FTP access? Then I'll be able to check the issue.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Sat Dec 19, 2015 10:18 pm
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Could you send me a private message with your website backend and FTP access? Then I'll be able to check the issue.
Already did, please check ur inbox. Tnx.
- Fresh Boarder
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