Storefront overrides of Hikashop files, product view contact
Joomla webshop template with CSS3-based animations, VirtueMart support and one-page checkout.
- GK User
- Fri May 13, 2016 3:34 am
Joomla 3.5.1, Hikashop 2.6.3 Business. I am using Storefront with Hikashop Business, installed Quickstart and then Hikashop Business. The problem concerns Storefront modification of the Hikashop views.
I am having problem with the way that Storefront overrides the Hikashop view files handle the contact button on the product page when there are product variants. It changes the contact link after variant choice. The problem is described on the Hikashop Forum already. The solution is to change the Storefront overrides of Hikashop view files. I need help with where do I need to change them. I don't want the choice from the variants to cause any change on the contact form.
It goes about this:

Becomes changed into this after variant choice.

The variant data is generated in the view "product / show" ; while the main product data is generated in the view "product / show_default".
Joomla 3.5.1, Hikashop 2.6.3 Business. I am using Storefront with Hikashop Business, installed Quickstart and then Hikashop Business. The problem concerns Storefront modification of the Hikashop views.
I am having problem with the way that Storefront overrides the Hikashop view files handle the contact button on the product page when there are product variants. It changes the contact link after variant choice. The problem is described on the Hikashop Forum already. The solution is to change the Storefront overrides of Hikashop view files. I need help with where do I need to change them. I don't want the choice from the variants to cause any change on the contact form.
It goes about this:
Becomes changed into this after variant choice.
The variant data is generated in the view "product / show" ; while the main product data is generated in the view "product / show_default".
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Mon May 16, 2016 10:12 am
You can change it by renaming /html/com_hikashop to /html/_com_hikashop or just the product page file, but I'm not sure wherever this contact button is used.
You can change it by renaming /html/com_hikashop to /html/_com_hikashop or just the product page file, but I'm not sure wherever this contact button is used.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Tue May 17, 2016 1:07 pm
That is not possible as it breaks the template. I need to keep the overrides. I just need to edit the override that it doesn't do this particular change when the variants are published.
Please read the Hika forum answer.
The view file product / show was edited by Storefront to change the CSS of that button when there are variants published. I need to erase just this particular change.
Please read the Hika forum answer.
I think that you have some view overrides, which change the "contact" button but that content button is display "twice" ; for the "main" product and for the variants.
So depending where you have that override, you will need to perform some reverts or to override another view.
The variant data is generated in the view "product / show" ; while the main product data is generated in the view "product / show_default". ... splay.html
The view file product / show was edited by Storefront to change the CSS of that button when there are variants published. I need to erase just this particular change.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Fri May 20, 2016 12:10 am
Any update on this?
Secondly As the Hikashop is now version 2.6.3 and the view files with Gavick modifications that Gavick uses are e.g. from version 2.3. does Gavick update these view files in the Storefront template to be compatible with the latest versions of Hikashop?
Secondly As the Hikashop is now version 2.6.3 and the view files with Gavick modifications that Gavick uses are e.g. from version 2.3. does Gavick update these view files in the Storefront template to be compatible with the latest versions of Hikashop?
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Sat May 21, 2016 2:10 pm
When I try to see hikashop forum page I get "Sorry, we could not find the page you were looking for."
Renaming does not break template, just removed styling. Probably it will be easier to fix styling a little than to bring the functionality. Please rename the file and tell me the url to the page I'll be able to see an example.
When I try to see hikashop forum page I get "Sorry, we could not find the page you were looking for."
Renaming does not break template, just removed styling. Probably it will be easier to fix styling a little than to bring the functionality. Please rename the file and tell me the url to the page I'll be able to see an example.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Mon May 30, 2016 6:53 pm
Thats what I meant, when I remove the styling it breaks the template in the sense that it doesn't display the products right anymore. I can't change the name as then the page would be a mess.
The up to date default view file from the latest Hikashop is not compatible with the template.
The issue is discussed here on Hikashop forum, I already posted in the first post. ... utton.html
I quoted the answer for you, including a link that was there that was broken in the quote. Look at the link above.
The up to date default view file from the latest Hikashop is not compatible with the template.
The issue is discussed here on Hikashop forum, I already posted in the first post. ... utton.html
I quoted the answer for you, including a link that was there that was broken in the quote. Look at the link above.
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:58 am
I understand, but what I need from You is to rename /html/com_hikashop/product to /html/com_hikashop/_product and than tell me the url to that broken page. So I'll be bale to add some styling to it's look.
I understand, but what I need from You is to rename /html/com_hikashop/product to /html/com_hikashop/_product and than tell me the url to that broken page. So I'll be bale to add some styling to it's look.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Mon Jun 06, 2016 6:51 pm
I can't do that on the live page. If I have time I will setup a clone and get back to it.
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:18 am
Ok. Please do that and let me know when it'll be ready.
Ok. Please do that and let me know when it'll be ready.
- Moderator
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