Header Background Image not correct on iPad Pro (Landscape)
Well-designed restaurant Joomla template with parallax effect.
- GK User
- Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:21 pm
excuse my bad English.
The Header Background-Image (header_bg.jpg) is not displayed correctly on the iPad Pro in landscape format. In the portrait format is the display correct – only not in the landscape and only on iPad Pro (iPad Mini and iPad Normal is all Format correctly).
I have checked with your Demo Site gk steakhouse on iPad Pro in Landscape Format (Safari Browser). The background image is displayed approximately 100 times enlarged!!! It is completely out of focus!
Therefore, only a black area of the Background-image is displayed on our website (only on iPad Pro Landscape): http://www.testplatz.ch/daniele
Please test your demo site yourself on an ipad pro (landscape) and help me solve this problem as soon as possible.
excuse my bad English.
The Header Background-Image (header_bg.jpg) is not displayed correctly on the iPad Pro in landscape format. In the portrait format is the display correct – only not in the landscape and only on iPad Pro (iPad Mini and iPad Normal is all Format correctly).
I have checked with your Demo Site gk steakhouse on iPad Pro in Landscape Format (Safari Browser). The background image is displayed approximately 100 times enlarged!!! It is completely out of focus!
Therefore, only a black area of the Background-image is displayed on our website (only on iPad Pro Landscape): http://www.testplatz.ch/daniele
Please test your demo site yourself on an ipad pro (landscape) and help me solve this problem as soon as possible.
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:14 am
In template configuration there is a feature which allows You to pick a different image height for specific screen widths. There is simply no way to make it ready for every possible image users may use, so some adjustments needs to be done manually.
In template configuration there is a feature which allows You to pick a different image height for specific screen widths. There is simply no way to make it ready for every possible image users may use, so some adjustments needs to be done manually.
- Moderator
- GK User
- Thu Apr 27, 2017 4:05 pm
I think this is a bug in the template programming!
I am extra in a apple store gone and have it on all ipad tested.
I will send you pictures from the different versions of the iPad with the demo website STEAK HOUSE.
In all iPad Versions portrait (normal, mini, pro) the Header Background Image (Steak) is displayed correctly. In the illustration LANDSCAPE is the iPad Versions normal and mini correctly – Incorrect is the iPad Pro Version! As you can see, the background image is displayed a hundred times magnification and is totally blurry!
It is zoomed in the green area in the Steak-Pictures! There is no steak to be seen! But it is always the same picture - in all iPad Versions.
Please let me know how this problem can be solved.
I am extra in a apple store gone and have it on all ipad tested.
I will send you pictures from the different versions of the iPad with the demo website STEAK HOUSE.
In all iPad Versions portrait (normal, mini, pro) the Header Background Image (Steak) is displayed correctly. In the illustration LANDSCAPE is the iPad Versions normal and mini correctly – Incorrect is the iPad Pro Version! As you can see, the background image is displayed a hundred times magnification and is totally blurry!
It is zoomed in the green area in the Steak-Pictures! There is no steak to be seen! But it is always the same picture - in all iPad Versions.
Please let me know how this problem can be solved.
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Mon May 01, 2017 7:20 pm
Ok. Now I understand. I thought You are talking about something else. Try adding this to override.css:
Ok. Now I understand. I thought You are talking about something else. Try adding this to override.css:
- Code: Select all
#gkHeader {
background-size: cover !important;
- Moderator
- GK User
- Thu May 04, 2017 1:07 pm
I have tested your custom code (in override.css).
The Background-Image in the header still does not work on the iPad Pro (landscape)!
Please test it yourself with your demo website Steak House on the iPad Pro.
If it does not work on the demo site Steak House, it can not work on my site - logical.
If you have found the solution, you give me modest.
If you have no iPad pro, go into an apple store and test it there.
Thanks and I hope you soon deliver the solution
I have tested your custom code (in override.css).
The Background-Image in the header still does not work on the iPad Pro (landscape)!
Please test it yourself with your demo website Steak House on the iPad Pro.
If it does not work on the demo site Steak House, it can not work on my site - logical.
If you have found the solution, you give me modest.
If you have no iPad pro, go into an apple store and test it there.
Thanks and I hope you soon deliver the solution
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Fri May 05, 2017 10:56 am
If only there was an apple store near me
All I have is an iPad Pro emulator on my computer and the solution worked there. I'm gonna ask my colleges, hopefully they will have some idea how to fix it.
If only there was an apple store near me

- Moderator
- GK User
- Fri May 05, 2017 11:24 am
On the iPad Pro emulator on my computer it works as well... But not on a real iPad Pro!
You must test it absolutely on a real iPad Pro, then you see the faulty representation on the header Background Image.
I hope you find a solution quickly.
You must test it absolutely on a real iPad Pro, then you see the faulty representation on the header Background Image.
I hope you find a solution quickly.
- Fresh Boarder
- teitbite
- Tue May 09, 2017 3:38 pm
I've send this to programmers already, still waiting for the answer. Will let You know as soon as they reply.
I've send this to programmers already, still waiting for the answer. Will let You know as soon as they reply.
- Moderator
- teitbite
- Wed May 10, 2017 7:37 am
- Moderator
- teitbite
- Fri May 12, 2017 8:37 am
Please let me know if this fixes this problem.
Please let me know if this fixes this problem.
- Moderator
- teitbite
- Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:24 am
I've closed this issue in bug tracker, so if it was not a solution to this problem, please respond.
I've closed this issue in bug tracker, so if it was not a solution to this problem, please respond.
- Moderator
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