How to change date format
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- GK User
- Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:15 am
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I've tried this method: ... -in-joomla
but it doesn't work. In fact, the used format doesn't appear to be one from that list (I've override them all, just in case, and no luck).
I don't know much about code, my I looked into /templates/gk_simplicity/html/com_content/category/blog_item.php and I found this:
What is TPL_GK_SIMPLICITY_DATE_FORMAT, and how to change it? I can't find it in template's backoffice.
Thanks ... -in-joomla
but it doesn't work. In fact, the used format doesn't appear to be one from that list (I've override them all, just in case, and no luck).
I don't know much about code, my I looked into /templates/gk_simplicity/html/com_content/category/blog_item.php and I found this:
- Code: Select all
<time pubdate="<?php echo JHtml::_('date', $this->item->publish_up, JText::_(DATE_W3C)); ?>">
<?php echo JHtml::_('date', $this->item->publish_up, JText::_('[b]TPL_GK_SIMPLICITY_DATE_FORMAT[/b]')); ?>
What is TPL_GK_SIMPLICITY_DATE_FORMAT, and how to change it? I can't find it in template's backoffice.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Sun Jul 09, 2017 2:52 am
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What is TPL_GK_SIMPLICITY_DATE_FORMAT, and how to change it? I can't find it in template's backoffice.
Last line of en-GB.tpl_gk_simplicity.ini
- Junior Boarder
- teitbite
- Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:11 am
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That's a correct answer. File can be found in /languages/en-GB/ folder starting from joomla's root.
That's a correct answer. File can be found in /languages/en-GB/ folder starting from joomla's root.
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