Template incompatible w/ JomSocial Toolbar Menu Child Items

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GK User
Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:05 pm
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Hi Gavick,

I'm using the Simplicity template in a Joomla 2.5 site. I have JomSocial installed. None of the JomSocial toobar child menu items display in an iPhone 5S. Only the parent menu items display. (They work a desktop and on an iPad.)

How do I resolve this? I came across a post in the JomSocial forum which said it was due to an incompatibility with the template. Is that true and how can I make Simplicity compatible with JomSocial so that the child menu items work?

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Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:45 am
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Simplicity not override any of JomSocial views or code so I have no idea how it may be incompatible with this extension. Probably there is some conflict between JomSocial style and template CSS but JomSocial team should resolve this because problem is with extension not with the template. Did you check whether the same happen on Beez?
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