Widget area falling apart
Responsive WordPress theme for musicians, bands, artists - easy to configure and various theme features.
- GK User
- Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:22 pm
Hy after i find the "how to add widget areas" manual Iwas trying to make it happen.
The first problem is when I edit the widgets.json file (using notepad++) and uploaded it all the widgets gone.
If a edit the json file i would see immediatly the extra widgets on the wordpress admin interface?
Or the first step is not that easy?
I noticed that on an older topic that I need to edit the after.php as well, but it didnt included in the documentation:
http://www.gavick.com/documentation/wor ... ess-theme/
Can someone walk me trough this?
The first problem is when I edit the widgets.json file (using notepad++) and uploaded it all the widgets gone.
If a edit the json file i would see immediatly the extra widgets on the wordpress admin interface?
Or the first step is not that easy?
I noticed that on an older topic that I need to edit the after.php as well, but it didnt included in the documentation:
http://www.gavick.com/documentation/wor ... ess-theme/
Can someone walk me trough this?
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:13 pm
Please read carefully this article: http://www.gavick.com/documentation/wor ... ess-theme/ - it shows how to add the widget area in the JSON file and in the php file - you can put the code in the after.php, before.php or other theme php file - it depends from your needs.
If all widget areas disappeared after your changes it means that you have made a syntax error - please check your file with this validator: http://jsonlint.com/
Please read carefully this article: http://www.gavick.com/documentation/wor ... ess-theme/ - it shows how to add the widget area in the JSON file and in the php file - you can put the code in the after.php, before.php or other theme php file - it depends from your needs.
If all widget areas disappeared after your changes it means that you have made a syntax error - please check your file with this validator: http://jsonlint.com/
- Administrator
- GK User
- Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:05 am
Thanks i will try that.
One athore question. Is that possible to modify the gk news show pro widget? I use the default article wrapper.
The default shows the title, some text and the thumbnail picture + the read more button. I want to reorder it to thumbnail, title, text and read more button.
Site: www.lelekmagazin.hu
One athore question. Is that possible to modify the gk news show pro widget? I use the default article wrapper.
The default shows the title, some text and the thumbnail picture + the read more button. I want to reorder it to thumbnail, title, text and read more button.
Site: www.lelekmagazin.hu
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:58 am
You can reorder these elements in the article layout tab - you can do it with drag'n'drop or by the ordering select field (depends from the used version of the widget).
- Administrator
- GK User
- Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:46 pm
This is amazing how simple it was
Thanks man

- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:52 pm
Somethig is not right. When i do the picture, title, text version its falling to pieces
Heres a sample :http://rhythmnjuice.hu/ltv/
This is where i test the changes before appling tot the actual site.
Heres a sample :http://rhythmnjuice.hu/ltv/
This is where i test the changes before appling tot the actual site.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:01 am
Found it. The artical had a position setting in the image part.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:01 am
Okay the json file is now perfect, but still have problems with the index.php file. Iam not a pro coder so a can't decide where to put the codes for the new widget areas. I made 3 new That is the continue of the Bottom IV widget, like V, VI and VII. Can you make send me a sample file or something like that?
It would help a lot
Maybe an attachment would be handy if it was in the tutorial with the "newone" widget area.
It would help a lot

Maybe an attachment would be handy if it was in the tutorial with the "newone" widget area.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:51 am
In this case, you should use RockWall/layout/after.php file (not index.php) and after this fragment:
add e.g. bottom5 area:
In this case, you should use RockWall/layout/after.php file (not index.php) and after this fragment:
- Code: Select all
<?php if(gk_is_active_sidebar('bottom4')) : ?>
<div id="gk-bottom4" class="gk-page widget-area">
<?php gk_dynamic_sidebar('bottom4'); ?>
<!--[if IE 8]><div class="ie8clear"></div><![endif]-->
<?php endif; ?>
add e.g. bottom5 area:
- Code: Select all
<?php if(gk_is_active_sidebar('bottom5')) : ?>
<div id="gk-bottom5" class="gk-page widget-area">
<?php gk_dynamic_sidebar('bottom5'); ?>
<!--[if IE 8]><div class="ie8clear"></div><![endif]-->
<?php endif; ?>
- Moderator
- GK User
- Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:16 pm
And its working. Thanks again. I must say that there is great themes and great support in here.
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:21 pm
Is it possible in gk image show widget to open a link in a new tab?
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:44 am
Yes, you should edit RockWall/gavern/widgets.imageshow.php file and change this fragment (line 98):
Yes, you should edit RockWall/gavern/widgets.imageshow.php file and change this fragment (line 98):
- Code: Select all
echo '<a href="'.$titles[$i].'" class="button inverse">'.__('Get more details', GKTPLNAME).'</a>';
- Code: Select all
echo '<a href="'.$titles[$i].'" target="_blank" class="button inverse">'.__('Get more details', GKTPLNAME).'</a>';
- Moderator
- GK User
- Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:34 pm
I think I have the last question for now.
Is it possible to make the sidebar widget area go all the way down to the footer widget area??
Like this: http://lelekmagazin.hu/wp-content/uploa ... _areas.png

Is it possible to make the sidebar widget area go all the way down to the footer widget area??
Like this: http://lelekmagazin.hu/wp-content/uploa ... _areas.png
- Junior Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:53 am
I’m afraid that modifications such as this require extensive changes to the theme’s code (html structure and css code); I do apologize but such large changes are custom work that are beyond the scope of our technical support.
- Moderator
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