theme options - 'save settings' not working

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GK User
Sun Sep 07, 2014 12:37 am
Recently the "save settings" button in Rockwall template options stopped working. So I googled it, and basically there are a couple of solutions like setting a bigger memory limit - (tried it, still nothing) or changing the permissions of /cache folder (should be set to 777 - trying to avoid this for security reasons) and of course the plugin compatibility issue.

Being relatively new to Wordpress I am afraid that I could lose widget settings and data if I just start deactivating plugins to find the one that might be causing the problem. I'm using:

Black Studio TinyMCE Widget
Custom Post Widget
Feature a Page Widget
NextCellent Gallery
SoundCloud Shortcode

The plugins are all working fine btw.
P.S. I started noticing this after I updated to WP 4.0... could this be the problem?

I hope I gave enough information to get some help with this. Thank you
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GK User
Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:51 pm

The issue is probably connected with small changes in the jQuery 1.11.1 which causes a syntax errors in some selectors.

We will release an update for WP 4.0 till Tuesday. The temporary fix is following:

1) Please open file js/back-end/template.options.js in the theme directory

2) Please replace the following fragment:

Code: Select all
var tempField = jQuery('*[data-name=' + usedField + ']');

Code: Select all
var tempField = jQuery('*[data-name="' + usedField + '"]');

3) Please replace the following fragment:

Code: Select all
field = jQuery('*[data-name=' + dependsFrom[j].field + ']');


Code: Select all
field = jQuery('*[data-name="' + dependsFrom[j].field + '"]');

4) Please refresh your browser cache to make sure that your browser is loading an updated version of the modified file in the back-end.
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GK User
Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:36 am
Tnx! I will wait for an update.
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GK User
Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:55 pm
Works! Thanks Guys!!
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GK User
Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:05 am
Hi, but when you change the lines on "template.options.js" file, the "Theme Branding" section doesn't show the "Theme logo image" feature. Can you see that?
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GK User
Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:23 am
Hi @mlazox, I can see this option in Theme Branding tab, are you sure that you've updated this file properly? Maybe you should update the whole RockWall theme to the latest version and then check again.
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GK User
Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:09 pm
Oh! sorry! I didn't mention my theme is "CloudHost", but it have the same issue with 'save settings' on "template options". I'm going to update the theme. Tnx!
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