The problem with the widget News Show Pro

Responsive WordPress theme for musicians, bands, artists - easy to configure and various theme features.
GK User
Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:55 am
What I'm wrong, please help -> view image.
Configuration can be seen here ->
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GK User
Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:59 am
custom CSS class is: box bigtitle overlaywhite nspclear nsptitle70 nsplinktitle70
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GK User
Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:56 am
Could you please provide me with a URL to your website and back-end access via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it?
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GK User
Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:06 pm

Your widget should be ok now. (missing right css suffie and images should be on the first place on article layout tab).
To adjust your widget a little, please add also the following custom css code:
Code: Select all
.overlaywhite .right .gk-nsp-links {
    clear: none;
.overlaywhite .right .gk-nsp-links ul li p,
.overlaywhite .right .gk-nsp-links ul li h4 {
   display: block;
.overlaywhite .right .gk-nsp-list > li:nth-child(even) {
   width: 47%;
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