Menu does not appear after install
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- GK User
- Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:40 pm
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that's what is my problem:
I migrated a very old site from J1.0 => 1.5 => 2.5 => 3.4 so I saved all my content
I installed then rockwall template (not the quickstart of course, since I would have liked to have some demo stuff to speed up the site definition)
The menu does not appear (it does only in responsive mode).
In the template config I assigned it to all the menus; I enabled the correct menu (it appears in responsive); I copied the fonts settings from another rockwall template in an other site I manage with the very same tamplate.
But the menu does not appear: I only see the black block on top of the page...
Thanks for your help
PS: is there a way to have all the demo stuff imported in my site (such as json files or whatever...) so I will not have to configure every single module manually
that's what is my problem:
I migrated a very old site from J1.0 => 1.5 => 2.5 => 3.4 so I saved all my content
I installed then rockwall template (not the quickstart of course, since I would have liked to have some demo stuff to speed up the site definition)
The menu does not appear (it does only in responsive mode).
In the template config I assigned it to all the menus; I enabled the correct menu (it appears in responsive); I copied the fonts settings from another rockwall template in an other site I manage with the very same tamplate.
But the menu does not appear: I only see the black block on top of the page...
Thanks for your help
PS: is there a way to have all the demo stuff imported in my site (such as json files or whatever...) so I will not have to configure every single module manually

- Expert Boarder
- teitbite
- Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:21 pm
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Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it? It is a lot easier for us to diagnose issues when we have a live site to examine.
- Moderator
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