Change Background & change color Gavick modules

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Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:23 pm
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Normaliy this should'nt form a problem but due to the diffrent styles it's not clear to me how to change the background image.

When i use style 1 changing the image is no problem:
adding my image tot the image folder of the template > changing the background image in the template.css

But i can't figure out how to change it for style 2/3/4. How to?
Second i'd like to change the colors of some of the modules such as the slider of this template. The title of the image is being showed in a orange block. such thngs i'd like to chnge to an other color. How to?

Looking forward to your response.
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GK User
Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:12 pm
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The best way to deal wit above problems is yo use firebug/chrome dev tools to find correct elements and create custom override.css declarations.
Please check this article - it might be handy: ... -size-etc/
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