Jusertube module breaking lay-out IE 8

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GK User
Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:54 am
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We are building a new website for our Scouting group based on Gavick Publisher. We are close to the release to the live environment but found a small glitch using the JUserTube module. Something is breaking the lay-out in Internet Explorer 8.0. There are no problems with the lay-out in Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.

The strange thing is that when I visit the JuserTube demo with IE 8 noting breaks which indicates something is going wrong in the template. I been looking at the code and css but was unable to find a solution. IE sucks if it comes to web standards but latest stats from Google analytics is showing that still a large user group is visiting our website using Internet Explorer 8. Can you share your thoughts where it might go wrong.

Joomla: 2.5.x
Template: Publisher
Template version: 3.9
Module: JUserTube
Position: mainbody_bottom

Test website:
Builder demo:
http://demo.srizon.com/jusertube-demo/m ... ive-slider

Browsers stats (month) Google analytics:
10.0 67
9.0 59
8.0 65
7.0 4
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:27 pm
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Can You please point me to the page where some of video are visible ? The link to the test site is showing an empty box under the title "youtube kanaal".
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GK User
Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:34 am
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That is odd because the video's should be showing right under the heading "Youtube kanaal" on every page as it is placed in the module position mainbody_bottom and is linked to every page in the Joomla administrator background. Which browser are you using? I'm testing the website on my Mac in Safari en Firefox it is showing correct there. I have also tested it using Internet Explorer 9 in a Windows 7 virtual box. Strange enough it only breaks from the lay-out in some cases: Frontpage which is blog latest items, and blog layout (menu verslagen), and at the menu links to an Component menu Media - Fotoboek. At the pages linked to Content items the Youtube channel is showing correctly (menu Scout worden).
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:35 am
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I cannot see them in IE and Firefox (Mac), rest of browsers are showing it ok. From what You are saying may be pointing to a validation error in one of the articles shown on affected pages. There is no information in validator, but this happens often if there are 2 errors, excluding each other. Please try disable this articles and see if module is showing videos correctly than.
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GK User
Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:00 pm
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Hi teitbite,

That was a good suggestion and I think I have found the problem. After disabling all modules and enabling them one by one I have found that the Jtube module (youtube kanaal) is breaking after enabling Phoca Image module and the sidebar module position. I did some markup validation and found it is still using tables yuk! (same for Jevents latest events). I will see if there is an alternative. Thanks again for your suggestions.
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Fresh Boarder

Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:27 pm
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No problem. I'm glad I could help :)
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