Jomsocial 2.6 and music template

Creative and professional Joomla music template focus on music type event management, music festivals and all music related events.
GK User
Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:41 pm
Jomsocial team released 2.6 version in march. They said they have updated Music template to work with this new version (see ... tures.html).

I've checked "Music" template changelog on this website, and it doesn't say this template includes this new version of jomsoial.

Do you know how to make Jomsocial 2.6 works with "Music" Template ?
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Konrad M
Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:47 pm
Downlad rest_files package for music. Here you should find music template for jomsocial.
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GK User
Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:10 pm
Also needs a template for JomSocial 2.6, how to get it?
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Konrad M
Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:17 pm
Unfortunetly there is no template for 2.6 version.
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