Error on page at IE8 - gk_image_show.js

Creative and professional Joomla music template focus on music type event management, music festivals and all music related events.
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Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:57 pm
I get a error on page in IE8.

When i click on the error :

This property or method is not supported by this object

And when i change the setting in the mod_gk_image_show title=true; to title=false';
i get another error

getElement (...) is null or not an object gk_image_show.js Code: 0 Line: 108 Char: 4

The url is :

hitmusic error IE8.jpg

Problem solved
The problem was in demo content (the vimeo embeed code at one of the tabs) I've changed the video and the errors should not appear now.
Bartlomiej Krztuk
GavickPro WebDeveloper.
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