Additional Module Class Suffixes

Creative and professional Joomla music template focus on music type event management, music festivals and all music related events.
GK User
Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:07 pm
Before They created the HIT MUSIC FORUM, A fellow member asked if there were any other Module suffixes/ variations included in this template. The default release has only 2 variants. I set out to change that and I am providing you with the following release augment for Hit Music.
I provide these files to you freely as a member of your community. It is my intention to help you as I've helped myself. I am new to the Gavick Community but I have been developing for the web for over 10 years as a community support specialist.

All file augments will be contained in the existing style sheets. All images will be contained and repeated within the pre-existing style folders for each included style.

Version 1.52 contains 16 files in 5 folders. Your download contains 4 fully edited style sheets. The template.css and all 3 style css files. This is to ensure that all added module variants work within the 3 included styles. Also included are the 4 required png files (repeated in all 3 image/style folders to ensure that everything works properly in whatever style you are choosing)for the Module Title Span.
[file size=54475][/file]
After you upload the included files to your host in their proper locations; You will be able to use these module class suffixes for column and main body modules.

Leaving the field blank gives you the default white variant
_dark - black - included in the default install
_bright - beige or khaki, tan if you prefer - included in the default install
_grey - grey (matching the grey on top where your login/register is
_dgrey - matching the dark grey found at the bottom module positions
_red - matching the red used in style 1 - useful for highlight modules
_blue - matching the blue used in style 2 - useful for highlight modules
_green - matching the green used in style 3 - useful for highlight modules

Using V 1.52 will give your Hit Music Template 8 Total Module Variants!

[sub]These files are provided to you "AS IS" and are currently not officially supported by Gavick Pro. You are downloading these files of your own volition and as such it is important to note that they have not been augmented in any other way than to simply add several module variations to the HIT MUSIC AUG 2009 Gavick Pro Template. I guarantee they will not contain any malicious code or virus and will not be harmful to any DEFAULT installations of HIT MUSIC. If you have made any alterations to your own style sheets these files will overwrite any and all changes you have made. You are encouraged to add any of your own edits to these files before you upload them to your host.[/sub]

You can all thank Sappy for this... I may have done the work. But if it wasn't for his request.... These would not be made available.

BONUS! I found out that there are free NON-Commercial downloads for the fonts used in the LOGO GRAPHIC! I love the fonts, so I nabbed them. These were located simply by googling for them on the web! I verified that they are the same "Free" versions used in the DEMO logo by researching the authors site! To save you all the trouble... here they are!
Please refer to the included READ ME for licensing information. Especially if you are using these for commercial purposes.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:58 am
No sir, They can Thank you for your time building these.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:45 pm
thanks a lot for this, can't wait for your version 2.0
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:48 am
To add:

On your Style css (1,2,3)

If you want the UL on your blocks for a menu look,

Add (_blue as the Example)

Code: Select all
div#content .moduletable_blue ul li,

Code: Select all
div#content .moduletable_blue ul li{
   border-top:1px solid #474747;
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Fresh Boarder

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