Blockquotes & Form in item with joomla 2.5

Present all of your favorite photos and memories in an awesome way with this great blog and portfolio Joomla template
GK User
Thu Jun 28, 2012 10:16 am
I am now trying several days to implement the blockquote typography in an item of my cherry design template where I want to show some testimonials. Unfortunately and although I paste & copy the html-code you show on the demosite the blockquotes aren't visible. I tried all options also the typography button at the bottom of the editor window (I normally use JCE and tried also with tiny mce and JCK - Editor, nothing works.) - ... referenzen and on my other sites it works perfectly.

I think there is a problem with the html-code:
I also tried to implement a form into an item which also doesn't work: You can see the implementation here at the bottom of the item:
There is the html-code visible on the side instead of the form. It looks like I hadn't switch to >html< while posting, which I did.

Thanks for your appreciate help!
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Gold Boarder

Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:49 pm

Pleas show me examples of how should it work and example of where should it be displayed. Make sure the HTML code for that is set. I'll check if this can be fixed.
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GK User
Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:20 pm
teitbite wrote:Hi

Please show me examples of how should it work and example of where should it be displayed. Make sure the HTML code for that is set. I'll check if this can be fixed.

hi and thanks for your message! if you follow the link: ... referenzen You can see my textscript and I want to put the detailed messages in good looking big Qutes like this:

Liebe Heike, Gratulation. Ich habe selten eine Frau gesehen, die so bei sich ist und dabei das Publikum derartig mitreißt. Super, Du genau richtig! Als Sächsin fiel mir manches Wort schwer Zwinkernd. Viele Grüße aus Leipzig, bis bald mal wieder (unbedingt) Petra
look at your typography stil:

from: cherrydesign: ... typography

This is a sample quote text. Use< blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote4"><div> Your quoted text goes here!< /div>< /div>< /blockquote >

and if you follow the link : you can see my kontakt side and there is at the bottom of my kontakt adresse the sentence: {chronoforms}kontaktformularhk{/chronoforms} this means it has to show the formular - but it doesnt show the formular - (here is the same formular in another template and it works: whereever I put in the source it want work.
Do you know an answer? thanks for your help, sandra
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Gold Boarder

Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:12 pm

I've never had problems with displaying chronoforms in gavick templates, so maby using plugins in K2 is disabled or chronoform content plugin is disabled. Please check that.

About quoting I can see that a HTML code for that is all wrong on Your page. An example shows it like:

Code: Select all
    <div class="gkBlockquote4">


and in Your page this code looks like this:

Code: Select all

<div class="gkBlockquote4">

tags must got moved in editor. So You can fix it to look like it supposed to or You can try to make a new css class for Your construction. Which should looks like this:

Code: Select all
div.gkBlockquote1 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open1.png") no-repeat scroll left bottom transparent;
div.gkBlockquote1 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close1.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote2 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open1.png") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote2 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close1.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote3 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open2.png") no-repeat scroll left bottom transparent;
div.gkBlockquote3 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close2.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote4 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open2.png") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote4 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close2.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
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GK User
Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:00 pm
Hi thanks for your help

first of all the blockquotes: I know that my html code was wrong when I wrote you I was to lazy to delete my one thousands try to get blockquotes in there! I tryed your suggestion and the block quotes is'n to see: look here it the sentence Your quoted text goes here! here the link: ... referenzen thanks for that!

I thought I have the "Typography-Button" at the end of my editor where I can draw on the blockquotes and all the others typography signs in the template. Isn't this right? The whole Typography signs doesn't work in my cherry design template. Or do I use them wrong, best regards, sandra

teitbite wrote:Hi

I've never had problems with displaying chronoforms in gavick templates, so maby using plugins in K2 is disabled or chronoform content plugin is disabled. Please check that.

About quoting I can see that a HTML code for that is all wrong on Your page. An example shows it like:

Code: Select all
    <div class="gkBlockquote4">


and in Your page this code looks like this:

Code: Select all

<div class="gkBlockquote4">

tags must got moved in editor. So You can fix it to look like it supposed to or You can try to make a new css class for Your construction. Which should looks like this:

Code: Select all
div.gkBlockquote1 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open1.png") no-repeat scroll left bottom transparent;
div.gkBlockquote1 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close1.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote2 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open1.png") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote2 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close1.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote3 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open2.png") no-repeat scroll left bottom transparent;
div.gkBlockquote3 div {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/close2.png") no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote4 {
    background: url("../images/style1/typography/open2.png") no-repeat scroll left top transparent;
div.gkBlockquote4 div {
    background: url('/"../images/style1/typography/close2.png"') no-repeat scroll right top transparent;
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:52 am
Hi, thanks for your help

Blockquotes: I know that my html code was wrong: when I posted first time in the forum I was too lazy to delete all my one thousands tryings to get blockquotes in there. I now tried your suggestion and the blockquotes aren't still there: look here: the sentence "Your quoted text goes here!" and here is the link: ... referenzen thanks for that!

I thought that the "Typography-Button" at the end of my editor helps me to get the code right - works perfect with theRealDesign - Template. Unfortunately it doesn't work with my cherry design template. So I pasted an copied the code from the typography-item of the demo-Template CherryDesgin - the blockquotes weren't and are still not visible.

How do I use a new css class and where do I write the code? Can I use the override-function? Please give me a step by step explanation so that I can implement that into my site if there would be no other possibility (although I do not know why it doen't work - In the first instance I would prefer going with the code in the editor and would love to use the typography button of the editor).
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Gold Boarder

Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:25 pm

Most probably all You need is to update typography plugin or template. Please do that and send me joomla panel access. I'll make it work for You.
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GK User
Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:26 am

I send you an account on your emailadress did you get it?

would be great if you can help! 8-)

best regards sandra
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Gold Boarder

Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:42 am

The only access I've recived today was from Herdmann-Kabarett. Is that it ?
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GK User
Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:53 pm
Yes it is! :D
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Gold Boarder

Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:55 pm

I've checked it and I do not see typography.css file loaded at all. Can You please check if typography plugin is installed (I've seen that button for typography plugin is in place). If not You wll find it in rest_files package.
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GK User
Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:58 pm
teitbite wrote:Hi

I've checked it and I do not see typography.css file loaded at all. Can You please check if typography plugin is installed (I've seen that button for typography plugin is in place). If not You wll find it in rest_files package.

hi I controlled everything what I know about the typography things - and in my opinion everything I can do is on - so would you please write me what do you think is missing?

System - JCK Typography installed and on
Button - GK Typography installed and on
plg.editors-xtd.gk_typography installed

installed css_typography is one missing?

thanks for your help. Sandr
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Gold Boarder

Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:19 pm

I've just found the reason :) Pleas take a look on a screen below.
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GK User
Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:11 am
teitbite wrote:Hi

I've just found the reason :) Pleas take a look on a screen below.

:shock: You will not believe this !!! argh! :? what a clowny mistake of me! argh in one hand its very annoying and on the other hand I'M HAPPY!!! :D

Many thanks to you that you stayrd tuned,

best regards, Sandra
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Gold Boarder

Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:18 pm

No problem. I didn't checked it the first time either :) So do not be harsh to Yourself.
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