Joomla 2.5 IE7 Column Widths

Elegant Joomla template designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.
GK User
Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:04 pm
This only happens in IE7. Three module positions had incorrect px widths set as inline styles - LeftLeft, LeftRight & Inset1. These widths were generated by /templates/gk_postnote/js/ie7.equal.columns.js.

To fix the problem, I commented out the following lines in /templates/gk_postnote/layouts/blocks/head.php:
Code: Select all
//   if($this->browser->get('browser') == 'ie7') {
//      $this->addJS($this->URLtemplate() . '/js/ie7.equal.columns.js');
//   }
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:35 am

I'll make your topic sticky, because the PostNote template is no longer supported.
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