including php code in a Tab

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GK User
Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:23 pm
Ok so I have tried every imaginable combination. I would like to include a simple php include within the contents of a tab

I have tried making a module using mod_php and including the Module - BLANK

I have tried using hte xhtml code option within the Tab setting under the component GK Tab - BLANK

I have also installed other potential modules / plugins that allow the insertion of php into a module/article etc etc.

if I use the tab manager to include an article that has php inserted in it - it tries to show the included php file as an image

any suggestions?
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GK User
Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:40 pm
I am using Joomla 1.5.22 Php 5.2.6

and example of the code in mod_php would be...

<?php include("/hpath/to/file/xml-feeds/folder1/filename.php"); ?>
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GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:38 am
I've installed directphp plugin which works with non Gavick templates and am thinking there is something causing it not to work.

The outup comes out as being blanked
<!--?php include("absoluteurl/file.php"); ?--></div>

May be wrong.

So what can we do?
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GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:43 am
Please check whether you editor plugin don't strip php tags, you can check this in editor plugin or in article filters settings.
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GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:07 am
Have checked the database and so the editor hasn't done anything it shouldn't have.

What is in the database
Code: Select all
<?php include("absoluteurl/file.php"); ?>

What appears when the site is presented
Code: Select all
<!--?php include("absoluteurl/file.php"); ?-->

Is this a J!1.7 issue as it doesn't happen in J!1.5?
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GK User
Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:51 am
Chased down another process that works - Blank Module -

You can place html, javascript, php and css into a module

Works with J!1.7 which is great
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