Icki Blue Arrows Not Showing

Joomla template which allow you to present sport news in amazing and professional way.
GK User
Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:58 pm
I am brand new to Joomla and to the Gavick Pro community! It will be great to connect with all of you! I have a question regarding the ICKI Sports Template. On the Photoslide module, the arrows next to the box do not appear on the Blue Icki color scheme. However, on the Red color scheme, they work. I have attached an image from the RED color scheme template to show you what I am talking about. How do I activate these arrows on the Blue scheme?

Thank you!
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GK User
Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:01 pm
If I'm not mistaken, arrows appear if you have enough images showing in the slider.

Either way, you may check the Module settings and see if the pagination is set for arrows, if it's, try to see if the arrow in the colour you want are uploaded via FTP, sometimes FTP fails and images get lost. You may also check folder permissions.
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