Product Image Popup help
- GK User
- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:07 pm
zoom multiple.png
popup is correct.png
Hi - I'm using the eSport temp, J1.7. When you look at the demo site, and click on a product it popups with a zoom of the image (see attached example). But now that I'm ready to load up products, I want to get this fixed - on my (localhost) site when I click on the products it popups with a multiple string of what appears to be the thumbnail? (see screen shot).
I'm guessing it's a mistake on how I've set something up working in the backend... (please know, I'm not a code guy, not a developer, just a guy that gets around the backend... so dumb-down your helpful ideas) Thanks!
- Expert Boarder
- GK User
- Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:46 pm
...I should add to the above, sometimes the image appears in either double, triple, or quad, see attaced example as a double
- Expert Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:38 pm
So far no one has any ideas on this, so this is a second plea for help. Yes, I know it must be something real obvious, and probably no one else has had this problem... 

- Expert Boarder
- GK User
- Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:00 am
The problem may be solved. I resized my images to near what esport demo was 600x600. One of my images was not resized (3600x2700), and this image opens as a single correctly expanded image on the frontend. I'll test the other images and find a minimum size accepted...
- Expert Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:12 pm
...ok, this is for sure something conflicting. The image that I thought worked at the larger scale is not working correctly either. Here is where it gets strange: on that image I can repeatedly open the popup of that image from the product page, and SOMETIMES it will zoom in and open just a single framed popup, but other times it opens in the 4x multiple thumb nail version. SO IT CAN'T JUST BE SOMETHING I'M DOING WRONG...PLEASE HELP! Special note- the image would only open correctly AFTER I "clear something" by clicking on the first of the two images (which never "clears" and opens correctly). However, I've tested against other products, and the pattern is not consistent as those other products with multiple images won't "clear" as this product will.
same image as a correct popup.png
- Expert Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:38 pm
...add... I just fiddled with the currency changer from the product page, reset to a different currency... it has the effect of changing the film-strip look from a string of 4 images (both product images this way) - after currency change they were both 3 images strings....
- Expert Boarder
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