Main menu and frontpage
- GK User
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:00 am
Hi, Nice template, very useful!
I have 2 questions regarding the theme;
- i want the menu to not show on all pages, but i can't seem to enable it as a module. And i want to give it a start item level.
- on the frontpage i want to have a diffrent css, but i can't seem to make it happen. Any idea's?
Kind regards
I have 2 questions regarding the theme;
- i want the menu to not show on all pages, but i can't seem to enable it as a module. And i want to give it a start item level.
- on the frontpage i want to have a diffrent css, but i can't seem to make it happen. Any idea's?
Kind regards
- Junior Boarder
- Konrad M
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:13 am
please try go to template settings. Here in 'features' section you will find 'Suffix for pages' option. It allows you to add suffix for particular pages. Just check what is ID of menu item and add sufix for this id. For example home is 101. Add suffix "home" to this item and only on home page body will have class home. In the same way you can hide menu on items you want. Just add for example "nomenu" suffix and then add to override.css
and remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
please try go to template settings. Here in 'features' section you will find 'Suffix for pages' option. It allows you to add suffix for particular pages. Just check what is ID of menu item and add sufix for this id. For example home is 101. Add suffix "home" to this item and only on home page body will have class home. In the same way you can hide menu on items you want. Just add for example "nomenu" suffix and then add to override.css
- Code: Select all
.nomenu #gkMainMenu {
and remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
- GK User
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:24 am
Hi Konrad,
That worked very well! Thank!
I found in default.php this code:
But when i change the startlevel it doesn't work. Happen to know how i can solve this?
That worked very well! Thank!

I found in default.php this code:
- Code: Select all
$this->menu->genMenu($this->getParam('startlevel', 0), $this->getParam('endlevel',-1));
But when i change the startlevel it doesn't work. Happen to know how i can solve this?
- Junior Boarder
- Konrad M
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:29 am
Why you need to change start level ?
- GK User
- Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:33 am
I have a website and there are 2 types of visitors, so my menu should look like this:
- Visitor
- - item 1
- - item 2
- - item 3
- Busniness
- - item 1
- - item 2
- - item 3
I have hidden the menu on the first page and let the cosumor choose if they are a visitor or business. After that the site links to one of the items. I want the menu to start at level 2 so "visitor" and "business" arnt visible in the menu. They only are visible in the breadcrumbs.
Ill hope you understand.
- Visitor
- - item 1
- - item 2
- - item 3
- Busniness
- - item 1
- - item 2
- - item 3
I have hidden the menu on the first page and let the cosumor choose if they are a visitor or business. After that the site links to one of the items. I want the menu to start at level 2 so "visitor" and "business" arnt visible in the menu. They only are visible in the breadcrumbs.
Ill hope you understand.
- Junior Boarder
- Konrad M
- Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:21 am
You can try do this using suffix for pages. For example add some suffix to page "pageOne" and add to all menu items which you don't want to show suffix "nodisplay". Then add to override.css
and remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
- Code: Select all
.pageOne .nodispaly {
and remember to enable override.css option in template settings.
- GK User
- Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:48 am
But then i will hide an entire top level and all the sublevels. I just want that the sublevels of one top level become the toplevel on some pages. Do you get it?
So if this is the menu:
- Visitor
- - item 1.1
- - item 1.2
- - item 1.2
- Busniness
- - item 2.1
- - item 2.2
- - item 2.3
And the visitor chooses on the homepage "business" he will go to a page where the menu is:
- item 2.1
- item 2.2
- item 2.3
So if this is the menu:
- Visitor
- - item 1.1
- - item 1.2
- - item 1.2
- Busniness
- - item 2.1
- - item 2.2
- - item 2.3
And the visitor chooses on the homepage "business" he will go to a page where the menu is:
- item 2.1
- item 2.2
- item 2.3
- Junior Boarder
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