Suffix for pages doesn't work when using k2
- GK User
- Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:11 pm
I first uses for the blogposts the native joomla category listing. I then created a special suffix for pages to show a special background image when clicking on readmore which worked very well.
Because I want to use the comment function I then switched to k2. Since then the readmore link links to the item but using the default background image. Why is that and how can I go back to the special background image which should be linked to the menu?
See website below:
Thanks for your help again.
Because I want to use the comment function I then switched to k2. Since then the readmore link links to the item but using the default background image. Why is that and how can I go back to the special background image which should be linked to the menu?
See website below:
Thanks for your help again.
- Gold Boarder
- GK User
- Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:56 pm
Do you mean the suffixes for pages used on the menu items or page suffixes from the template settings?
Do you mean the suffixes for pages used on the menu items or page suffixes from the template settings?
- Administrator
- GK User
- Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:31 pm
I went in the template settings "features", add into suffix for pages the menu item ID [101] suffix [p101] went to advanced settings and put the following code in there:
When using the menu item for the joomla category listing it worked fine after changing in k2 category listing the default background image appeared.
- Code: Select all
.p101 #gkBg {background: url('/images/header/startbild.jpg') no-repeat scroll center transparent;
min-height: 450px;
When using the menu item for the joomla category listing it worked fine after changing in k2 category listing the default background image appeared.
- Gold Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:37 am
You should set the suffix for the menu item connected with the K2 category listing 

- Administrator
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:19 am
I am sorry - I obviously missed something huge.
I connected with the menuItem ID which links to the category listing of k2.
I tried now to the category Item ID of k2 - but didn't get another result.
I connected with the menuItem ID which links to the category listing of k2.
I tried now to the category Item ID of k2 - but didn't get another result.
- Gold Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:47 am
That's weird - as I see on every page you have a suffix pX where X is a menu item ID - could you write me on which page do you want to put the suffix? And which suffix? Then please send me a PM message with the administrator access to your website.
- Administrator
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:39 am
I want to change the start page. When clicking on "mehr" (readmore) I want to show same image like on the start page.
send you administrator access via PM
send you administrator access via PM
- Gold Boarder
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:24 pm
Please check your website now - I've assinged the p101 page suffix to com_k2 option, because as I see you have no menu items connected with the K2 component.
- Administrator
- GK User
- Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:37 pm
Your are RELLY GREAT!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
Your are RELLY GREAT!!!

Thanks a lot!!!
- Gold Boarder
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