Problem with multi-language menu

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GK User
Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:15 pm
I'm implementing a multi-language page using apphone template. I'm having trouble with displaying the top menu in different language. This is because the menu that is visible at the top of the screen is associated in template settings and it does not seem to have a language-dependent setting.

Can you advise on how to use the template with a menu on a multi-language page?
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Konrad M
Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:37 am
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GK User
Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:04 am
This is the documentation on how to set up stuff for multi-language. I've already done that. The problem is that the menu that is displayed in the template is not language-dependent. And this is the setting in your template.
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GK User
Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:23 pm
This is the only thing that is blocking my go-live for multi-language page. Can I ask for your input?
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Konrad M
Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:06 am
Yes, sure I will try investigate it. Just send me Private Message with access to your joomla backend. Remember add link to this topic too.
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GK User
Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:17 pm
Why would you want me to send you access to my backend?
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Konrad M
Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:41 pm
I just want to check your settings in backend. Mybe there is something you missed. Please try read this topic ... ge#p114444
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GK User
Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:02 pm
One more time, from the beginning, because it does not look like you're following. I've already created a multi-lingual set of menus and menu items. This works perfectly fine. I was following the tutorial that you've sent. I don't have any complaints about this tutorial - it's perfect.

However, in your own template you are making me select a menu that shows on top (attachments). And this setting is in YOUR template and IT'S NOT language-dependent. That's my only problem. You introduced something that does not take language into account and you just need to fix that in your template.

As a summary. You don't need access to my backend. All you need to do is to read carefully what I have written, understand the problem and provide a fix to YOUR TEMPLATE.
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Konrad M
Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:01 pm
I will send your info to our programmers. Please try use Falang component which can translate the menu and You will not need to have dozens of different menus to handle it.
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GK User
Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:24 am
I already implemented i18n with standard Joomla features (and the user of KM FasTrans). This is what you have suggested in one of your first posts. You can't expect me to rewrite my solution - especially because you've recommended it. As a result, I'm not going to be using Falang.

Can I ask you on a deadline on when you'll fix the menu issue I'm asking for?
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GK User
Thu May 09, 2013 1:17 pm
Can I ask for an update on this development fix?
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GK User
Thu May 09, 2013 1:34 pm
The only way to implement multilanguage menu in our template is to use this tutorial >> ... oomla-1-7/

This is recommended way also by Joomla! official documentation and in this way the Home menu will be one for all language but content can be displayed depends on active lang.
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GK User
Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:43 pm
Hi i have this problem. I have installed gkcloudhost on my joomla 3.5
I setting the multilanguage site but, the gkcloudhost have the mainmenu in setting theme. I i change menu type and i activate the module in mainmenu the theme no working.
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