Font amnesia

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GK User
Mon Mar 18, 2013 1:37 am

I originally built my website ( using an old version of Pixellove; when I renewed my Gavick subscription recently, I updated the template but noticed that there were page width errors, so I uninstalled the template and reinstalled the old one.

This caused the fonts to change, so I upgraded it back again, and although I've changed the fonts back to BebasNeue, cleared cache, cleared my browser's history and tried the site in a second browser, the template is stubbornly refusing to display the correct fonts.

Can anyone help with this? The current font looks pretty hideous :pinch:
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GK User
Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:15 am
I've checked your site and simply don't see BebasNeue loaded in code, could you attach me a screenshot with fonts configuration from your site ?
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GK User
Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:04 pm
bkrztuk wrote:I've checked your site and simply don't see BebasNeue loaded in code, could you attach me a screenshot with fonts configuration from your site ?

Here you go - the fonts were displaying fine till I downgraded the site.
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GK User
Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:50 am
There no selectors so the font is not apply to any HTML element. Please set selectors like 'body', 'h1' and you will see results.
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