How to adjust:

AppSite - Professional Business Template for Joomla support forum.
GK User
Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:43 pm
Ok i`ve made some progress and my boss delivered some texts and it has all been adjusted, however the following..

How can i move down the "main menu " tekst slightly into the black so it is a bit centered instead on the top of the black part?

How can i allign the small teksts on the frontpage with the menu bar so its lined up? Cause at this point the bold tekst is like 5/10 px down where it should be next to the menu.

And third question, is there anyway we can make the site 2 colloms in stead of 3? So left and Main instead of left/main/right.

Please lemme know,

With Kind regards,
The webmaster

PS: the link to the site:
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Senior Boarder

Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:49 pm

Fix for menu header:

Code: Select all
#mainPage .box > div > h3, #mainPage .box_menu > div > h3, #mainPage .box_text > div > h3 {
    line-height: 25px;
    padding: 0;

Fix to move content a little higher:

Code: Select all {
    display: none;

Right column will only be visible if there are modules placed inside. Please simply move this modules from right column and You will have 2 columns layout only.
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