Edit Header1 Modules

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GK User
Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:11 pm
Hi, I know that the modules are custom HTML, but, when I create them and copy from the quickinstall they don't appear like in the demo.
I instaled a fresh Joomla 2.5, and next the theme, my question is: how can I create that 2 news modules in position header1? I don't wnat the picture, just center the text and give that "signature" type and at the bottom simple create a module like that and write just something.

Can help me?
Sorry if the explanation is a little rubish.

Best regards,
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Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:18 pm
Please make sure that Typography options are enabled in your template settings. Secondly please disable editor (use no-editor option) to avoid cutting/cleaning HTML code when you save module. When you use no editor option and copy/paste code from quickstart version to your installation you should get the same view, then you can customize CSS or background images.
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Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:48 am
Hi, thanks for the answer, but... I have the editor off from the beginning, and, when I edit the 'Header1b', for example, and switch for HTML view, just appear <div id="demo2">Demo block</div>.

On the right appears the option "Module Title Links (GavickPro)" (in the demo), and I don't have that in my current website, is this relevant?

Thanks again,
best regards,
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GK User
Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:19 am
Sorry for double, but I don't find the edit option... I notice, with firebug, an id, <div id="demo1">Demo block</div>, and if I change the id between 1 and 2, he gives me the picture or the message, so... what is demo1 and demo2, and... is that what I need to modify to get that 2 modules identic with the demo?

Thanks, best regards,
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Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:49 pm
AndreScalaPro wrote:Hi, thanks for the answer, but... I have the editor off from the beginning, and, when I edit the 'Header1b', for example, and switch for HTML view, just appear <div id="demo2">Demo block</div>.

On the right appears the option "Module Title Links (GavickPro)" (in the demo), and I don't have that in my current website, is this relevant?

Thanks again,
best regards,

AndreScalaPro wrote:Sorry for double, but I don't find the edit option... I notice, with firebug, an id, <div id="demo1">Demo block</div>, and if I change the id between 1 and 2, he gives me the picture or the message, so... what is demo1 and demo2, and... is that what I need to modify to get that 2 modules identic with the demo?

Thanks, best regards,

Ok, I figure out that demo1 is in style1 and style2 css files and they add an image that have the picture and the text; now, I have another problem, the module don't assume the size that is in the style1.css file and cut the image. What I'm doing wrong?

See here - http://www.quintadavaranda.andrescala.com

Thanks, best regards,
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GK User
Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:21 pm
Could you mark on this picture this cutted area ? http://d.pr/i/kIF4 I'm asking because I don't see any problem there.
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GK User
Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:13 pm
bkrztuk wrote:Could you mark on this picture this cutted area ? http://d.pr/i/kIF4 I'm asking because I don't see any problem there.

Before my replys, and passed various moments I figured out how to do it, that's because you now now that print ;) thanks for support
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