Website: http://www.dallascoiffure.be
I have noticed that both of the meta description tag and og:description are all messed up in the source code file, it seem to go look for the html code and put it in there without "cleaning" it, so now the description meta tag containts the html "style:" codes "img src"...etc.
i.e: http://www.dallascoiffure.be/produits-d ... teoil.html
meta desc and og:desc: content="<p style="text-align: left;"><span>Les produits BIOLAGE EXQUISITE OIL de L'Oréal MATRIX sont utilisés en notre salon DALLAS..." />
I tried another page with a "clean" code: http://www.dallascoiffure.be/tarifs-pre ... elles.html
result is: content="<p>Notre Salon DALLAS COIFFURE vous propose des séances de bronzage à un prix attrayant ainsi que des abonnements valables toute une année à un..." />
even the <p> are inserted to the desc which shows like &lt;p&gt;...
Anyone has any idea of what might cause the problem?