Add-cart button is not displayed in product list

Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:17 am

"Show the Add-to-cart Button on the product list" (Theme / Config) IS enabled.

In product list is not displayed add cart button. How I can add it?

I can not put url because website is still offline


Ok. I have seen that is a error of VM. In VM forums there are some hacks to solve this
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GK User
Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:09 am
For those coming to this post to find the guy figured it out but did not bother to enlighten the rest of us -- I will provide what I have link and code for how I solved the issue :

I found the answer in the joomla forum :
url =
be sure to read the thru the thread to get the best code snippet.

Then I had to add the cart button --
so in components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/browse/gk_browse.php

I added:

<span class="browseAddToCartContainer">
<?php echo $form_addtocart ?>


<p class="clear"><?php echo $product_s_desc ?></p>
<p class="browseProductrating"> <?php echo $product_rating ?> </p>
<p> <a class="button_details" href="<?php echo $product_flypage ?>"><?php echo $product_details ?>...</a> </p>


<br style="clear:both;" />

Hope this helps. It works great! :P
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