I'll preface by saying that I love Gavick work, anyway I have a small issue I thought id ask about.
Short version:
When i select "Use Template CSS" in JCE, it does not show the template CSS from a Gavick template in the editor. Is there a way you can make the editor use the template CSS easily?
I can understand this may not be 100% supported issue as TinyMCE does not have the 'use template css' function, and JCE is technically a 3rd party plugin and does not need to be supported, but I think most developers will agree this could be a common problem.
Long version:
The administrator and template use different css files. When you install templates these again use different CSS files.
So when you say install a Gavick template, the css files it uses to create the layout are not by default going to show in a content editor such as tinymce or jce.
This is a somewhat unusual behavior because with many templates, JCE is able to automatically acquire the template css and display it in the editor. One assumption I have on that gavick could be using of constants from the template parameters and doing inline styles via PHP, therefore when JCE loads the styles, it is missing the font styles.
Anyway, I was wondering if anybody has any ideas on this. Its definately possible I'm just not using JCE properly or i'm overlooking something.
The big things include: font-family, font-size, letter-spacing, line-height, h1, etc.
Thank you very much for any ideas and support.
Best Regards