VM-Cart -/- Translation doesn't work

Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:15 pm
Hi, I would like to move the cart in German.
have the appropriate lines in the "en-GB.tpl_gk_yourshop" Dateio changed to


However, online is not displayed.
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GK User
Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:35 pm
Make sure that default language for the site is English. Otherwise make a copy of en-GB.tpl_gk_yourshop in your DE language folder and rename it to "de.DE.tpl_gk_yourshop.ini".

I just join the club and I see many answer without any reply :
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:00 pm

The reason there's no answer could perhaps be that this isn't suppose to be a Joomla or VirtueMart support site. There are some very cool guys over there that can help with the basics.

Regarding the language problem, I see that you also use special characters as I do so make sure that you save the file as UTF-8 or UTF-8 NO BOM when you are editing VirtueMart files. See also this post heres: 96-yourshop/85253-module-image-show-modgkimageshow-.html

Furthermore if you translate the file and save it as explained above you should ensure that the user you are testing with has German selected as his primary language inside Joomla, otherwise it will default to english.

Hope this helps!
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