Just wanted to say that Gavick support is very patient. I was having the same virtuemart problems. So I went to the next logical step...
SUPPORT - SUPPORT DESK - type in "virtuemart" read the only search result... "How To Install a Quickstart Package" at the bottom of the page it says...
"Only if you are installing a quickstart version that has integrated Virtuemart Component, in addition to all the previous steps, please access via FTP to the following file
and add URL or path on this lines.
/ / These path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define ('URL','');
define ('SECUREURL','');
Add your URL or path to your website, like this example shows: / / These path and url definitions here are based on the Joomla! Configuration
define ('URL','http://www.yourwebsite.com/joomla/');
define ('SECUREURL','http://www.yourwebsite.com/joomla/');
I just happened on all these posts after and have to say to those who don't want to spend the time, I assure you it is well worth it to use the SUPPORT HELP DESK
On the user side, perhaps Gavick can put a readme.txt right next to the quickstart download stating that you must configure the virtuemart.cfg.php. Time is $;)
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