3 small problems

Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:25 pm

I have 3 small problems and i tried everything but without succes:)

1. jcomments not work in firefox 3.6.13 with System - Mootools Upgrade plugin activated.In IE8 and Opera is ok. Question: Is a big problem if i dont have this plugin active on site? I have version 1.2.4 , need an update or something?

2.Pagination error in IE8. If i search something and i have more then 20 results, page looks like here


3.jcomments text area is too small in IE8


Please advice:)

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:06 am

1) JComments is not our project, so you need to request support on http://www.joomlatune.com. Anyway, at this moment it's not primary necessary to have mootools upgrade plugin enable. Only if you install some 3th party extension that might need this js library support.

2)I don't see this problem on both ie8 and ie7. So please check if you have the latest version of this template. Anyway, there a small improvement to be added on ie.css file:

Code: Select all
ul.pagination li {height: 15px}
ul.pagination li span, ul.pagination li a {line-height:14px}

3) Please open this file and replace the following line:

Code: Select all
#comments-form textarea { margin:0; width:97%;}

Code: Select all
#comments-form textarea { margin:0; width:97%; height:145px;}

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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:21 am
Works now, tx a lot Seichinha .

Only one problem remains, in a page i have a tag list like this:

word1| word2| word3| word4| word5| in firefox is ok

but in IE8 look like this


I don't know why this difference. This tag component is 3th party extension and i will not receive support, but, maybe one of your forum members know a solution to solve this problem :)

Tx again Seichinha. Gavick templates are the best!
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Fresh Boarder
