Mega Menu On Yourshop

Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Tue Dec 21, 2010 1:06 pm
Look I've busted my butt on a site and I've just gone too far to use another template. I made the mistake of assuming that Yourshop would be a quality template (I will never make that mistake again).

Mega Menu
Styled tabs
Fix all these JS errors with IE

Are these in the works or not and if so when will it be ready. If these are not in the works I need to know now so I can find another template.
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GK User
Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:46 pm
Funny you guys would take the time to delete my posts but don't have the balls to answer my questions.

And I say again, I don't know how you can legally stick a T3 sign on this template as watered down as it is. Complete this template, fix the errors, and start communicating with your customers
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Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:51 pm

I did not deleted anythig ;/

We have an agreement with JA on using T3 Framework logo.

What is the problem with MegaMenu ?

If there is no GK Tab module on the site than I believe it won't be included.

I'll check IE errors right now and send it to our programmer if there is a major problem.
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GK User
Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:48 am
Trust me dude the post before the last WAS deleted. I think the comment that Yourshop without mega-menu support was like a stripper without tits. I still hold that opinion I might add, I won't even get into styled tabs.

Now I have taken a full week learning T3 v2 and I can see all you have in common is a sticker. This version of T3 is so watered down it ain't funny. I do admit that manipulating Gavick templates is a bit easier but only because I'm a bit new to the framework, give me a month and I'll be as good with full T3 as I am with Gavicks version.

Now I was finally building a site that I would own, I've built hundreds of sites with Gavick templates and sold them from as low as $500 to $15,000. I started with Yourshop and just got to the point that I was spending more time working out JS and Moo errors as I was building the damned site. I gave up and deleted a months worth of work because I could not see my self building a production site with that template.

I restarted the site with another template Teli IV I've surpassed the point I was at with Yourshop because I didn't have to back-track and fix errors. I can't tell you how much of a joy it is to be writing stick code (code that will never have to be changed - Sticky) and all my commercial modules and components work without JS and CSS conflicts, be it Jreviews to Jomsocial. Get yours selves in gear Gavick.. impress me, you can't afford too many CherryDesign or unfinished templates like Yourshop with my money.
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GK User
Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:10 am
mongo2006 wrote:Look I've busted my butt on a site and I've just gone too far to use another template. I made the mistake of assuming that Yourshop would be a quality template (I will never make that mistake again).

Mega Menu
Styled tabs
Fix all these JS errors with IE

If you guide us to this errors or bugs, we will be glad to fix them. Anyway, from our side, there's no Mega Menu or js errors on IE, none from i can see.
About the Styled tabs, this template doesn't have Tabs Manager component support. This is well describe on YourShop Features.
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GK User
Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:29 am
pretty much any component that requires access to com_content articles is going to have it's css stripped anything that uses mootools is going to have conflicts (besides K2).

Vbulletin integration (css conflicts)
PhpBB integration (css conflits)
Jfusion (css conflicts)
Jreviews (css & js confilts)
Jomsocial (css & js conflicts)
PD Thumbs (css & js confilts)
Multisites css & js conflicts)
Lazy Loaders (not true T3 so loading starts on one side and goes up the other side, on the 3rd column loading stops)
JCE (any plugin that has mootools or Highslide is going to have an issue)
Cometchat ( various js errors especially with the popups and chatrooms)

I mean if i think about it I can list these for a hour or two, Memovie had a few issues but nothing like Yourshop and I have installed all these components and modules on Memovie and didn't 1/5 the issues and errors. So i know the template is unfinished, disaster prone for production sites, and just simply rushed.

It's a beautiful template from a production and artistic point of view, but much like my ex-wife, beautiful, expensive and easy to leave.
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:15 pm
I'm in a lot of agreement here. I've spent a lot of time trying to get everything to work with yourshop and so far the updates I've see have not addressed my issues but I have worked those out. My major concerns right now is that which I have not been able to work out. I use Firefox mostly but while viewing IE I've noticed that on some pages (JomSocial Home page and Profile page) that cometchat is stripped down to its buttons and thrown off to the side. Furthermore, mega menu is totally destroyed on the profile page. Other than that I have css issues for the BeeHeard component and SoBi2 search; most of these styling issues can be narrowed down to radio buttons. they seem to stack rather than lay out next to each other.

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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:18 pm
Sorry I have yet to get back with you but here is a visual representation of the problem as I have again tried to produce a site with this template. When anything with JQ or css with UI or LI just takes over megamenu or other parts of the yourshop css

I either need this fixed or I need some pointers as to how to take care of it my self.

the site it sitting at umaballa(dot)com demo / demo/demo I have setup for a test user.

here is a direct link to the errors in question: ... Itemid=189

symtoms: videos do not play, megamenu screwed up, erros in the backend (JS and JQ)
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:24 pm
How can you say that our template have lots of bugs (our bugs, of course) when you are making your own changes on core files?
Also, how do you expect that our template match all extensions that are produce on joomla community? In fact, some of them, refereed by user @mongo2006 are not joomla extensions and doesn't have any direct relationship.

Please, don't get me wrong.
I'm not saying that we are perfect and we don't make mistakes, but assuming that you are making your own customization, why do you assume that the problem comes from us?

About your problem with Megamenu, did you change the unique Name of the menu selected on template parameters?
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:46 pm
I'm using the mainmenu that I've had at the start of my Joomla install.
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:52 pm
lol wtf? these error are the same errors on the default template. I have installed this template over 100 times. I know what I can install on this template with and without errors and I'm telling you it doesn't matter one bit if this template is customized or not the same errors with take place. now look at the error and see if you can see where and how Megamenu css is taken over.

I imported the database into a teline 4 template and I don't get these issues with megamenu. I told you before this template is not finished or safeguarded with it comes to css. Any component can easily destroy Yourstore UL and UI's. Now stop passing the buck and get a programmer to look into this.

No I have never changed the name of the mainmenu
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:08 pm
Just so you can stop tripp'n I have uploaded a brand new yourshop template. Just upzipped and uploaded, and as I said the same issue is there on the same page
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:17 pm
tfontana1 wrote:I'm using the mainmenu that I've had at the start of my Joomla install.

Can you provide me admin access to your website?

Please send to paulo[at]gavick[dot]com and make reference to this threat.

Cheers ;)
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:18 pm
sure on it's way

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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:41 pm
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GK User
Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:16 pm
lol this is funny really, I'm not taken seriously because I can code a little bit.. hehe ok I can code a lot. I may know the Gavick's core better than most of you and T3 too. So when I say that Gavicks core is a bastardized version of T3 that has so many holes in its integrity that any component can destroy it, you better start listening.

I have hundreds of components and modules I use for customers, but when common modules such as PD thumbs (jomsocial) used by 90% of the people that install jomsocial. And JA Tabs also a very common module you better start fixing and completing your code that YOU call T3 and we all know it's not.

I don't need you to code for me, I wanted to support Gavick by suscribing, hell I can get the templates from many places for nothing. I'm not getting support here, so why pay for something I'm not getting right?
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:55 am
tfontana1 wrote:Sent


Your problem is that you have as default menu link as separator.
No good. Joomla doesn't work that way.
Now is up to you, how do you want to place "Home".

Cheers ;)
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:49 am
Sadly that is not the problem. The menu is still distorted on the profile and forum pages in IE.
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:31 am
Thats Jquery or some rouge css doing that, most likely bro, especially if you using Jomsocial or Kahuna or what ever that the name of that forum for Joomla is. Neither of them like this template.

but once you get past those errors your going to have to edit this bit of css

ul li { } I forget how Gavick had it.. at any rate it screwed up the user controls in jomsocial, it had all 3 columns in one column. Dude if you can't code your in a world of hurt unless your going to make a 1 page site with no extensions or modules added. I tried to register but the same error that is showing on your site is freezing registration right where you change the avatar so I never got the e-mail.
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:24 am
so you are saying i wont be able to use jomsocial or the forums on this template?
that really sucks, i put a lot of work getting this template to look like i want it and now i know later on when i want to expand my site i wont be able to with this template.

what a waste. :(
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:19 pm
I really don't know what you're talking about with my registration being down because I haven't had a problem with that but I'll take a look at uploading the avatar during this process to see if I can replicate the error. Furthermore, JomSocial wasn't working with the mega menu at first. What was happening out of box was there was no drop down ability but I've fixed what by adding a correction to the js file. When it comes to JomSocial and this template I only have the error on one page and that's the profile page which leads me to believe that I did something to the page that's causing this error. I'll take a look at the related "ul li { }" that you mentioned. Thanks.
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GK User
Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:12 pm
Bro I don't waste my time, so for me to take the time to register and then come back here to tell you something is wrong.. beleive it. At the point that you have the option to change avatars there is an error.

I just woke up and found the registration confirmation finally and I get this at your site after clicking.

* Login denied! Your account has either been blocked or you have not activated it yet. Did you not get an activation e-mail and follow the validation link?

Activation Complete!

Your Account has been successfully activated. You can now log in using the username and password you chose during the registration.


Activation Complete!

Your Account has been successfully activated. You can now log in using the username and password you chose during the registration.

This is telling me you got issues with user ID's Looks like your using JoomlaXi Profile Types and it has issues with Jomsocial 2.+ because it's made for Jomsocial 1.8 they say it runs on 2.0 just just don't tell you it will run with errors. Also remember Jomsocial is still beta if you ask me. a new upgrade every week for 3 months screams unstable. an you can forget about a Jomsocial template from Gavick for a while.

As far as this template.. Yes you can get this template to do anything if you have the skill to code it to your liking. But once you add one component or get past your front page.. lol ... don't expect any support.. your pretty much on your own.
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