ThatComputerDude wrote:
If some of you are mad because you have "projects on hold" because the template was delayed 3 days or 10 days, maybe you should look at your business model. Talk to some of us to share information on how you operate to become more efficient.
Lets just cut them some slack.
ComputerDude there is nothing wrong with my business model, My customers are happy and I support them with updates, advice, and service after their site is done. I've created a community with my customers and they help each other out as much as I do.
The problem is when you have to rely on a staff of template developers that find it funny when their customers have to beg for a glimps of the next template. When you as a customer KNOW that templates will NEVER be produced on time. When templates are built on T3 making it take much less time to build a template, but that saved time is not used on the template. When one style of that developed template is slammed down your throat..take it or leave it. I could go on with this rift, I'm not even going to get into Jomsocial.
The point is nomatter what your buisness model is, it starts with the template builder. If you can't have ANY influence or communication about the template until it's untimely produced, then they will continue to have disatisfied customers. Luckly for you and I we can actualy turn these templates into anything we want.. others cant.