Display K2 item on Home in mainbody position?

Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:36 am
I want to display a K2 item on the frontpage of yourShop. I've taken the following steps and nothing seems to work:

1. I created a K2 item called "Welcome" and published it and marked it featured.
2. I updated the main menu link for Home and associated it with the K2 component, item = "Welcome"
3. I tried all of the options in "Template Basic Settings->Mainbody-Frontpage " =Mainbody Only, Component Only, Mainbody before Component, Mainbody After Component.

Browser "View Source " shows that it's not on the page.

Any suggestions?



Module positions - Mozilla Firefox_2012-09-18_05-23-31.png
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:42 am

It should work :huh:
But instead of using the Home menu item, create a new link to K2 item and set it as Home.
On template settings > Main Body - FrontPage, it only works with "Component only", "Mainbody before Component" and "Mainbody after Component".

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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:46 am
That worked. Many thanks.

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Fresh Boarder
