I use yourshop template on my client site ([url]hoatay.net[/url]), I notice that it use 2 different vm templates to display a product when choosing product from different way:
1. Click on a product displayed by mod_news_pro_gk4, it uses the template from default folder of VM template (flypage.tpl) to display products, and the pagination to the next and previous products disappeard.
2. Click on a product displayed in category view, it uses the template from the right folder as in configuration from the back-end to display products (hoatayhandmade.tpl), and the pagination to next and previous products is showed.
Please see the image on the attached file or visit the livesite to check out.
My question is what do i have to do to make the products displayed exactly by the template that was configured from the back-end, no matter from where it was redirected?