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Ecommerce design Joomla template to start your online business with VirtueMart and additional eshop features.
GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:08 pm

my shop works fine in firefox and safari! however today I have noticed that it's a complete mess in internet explorer. What should I do!??? it's very emergency! pls help me out!

This is the link to my web:
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:39 am

IE got problems to see the site correctly because of the header. Please tell me if You have made any changes to the template files. If not than it must be because of some extention(s). Try unpublish extention after extention till You see site displayng ok. The last unpublished will be to blame. ... ne&group=0
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Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:42 am

Just to show that's it's not a matter of orginal template a link to validation result of demo ... ator%2F1.2
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GK User
Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:25 pm
Thank you sooooo much! it was because of the meta tag we'd added in order to make "facebook preview" works! now it works fine in IE! Thank you very much!

but could you please guide me how to enable the preview in facebook !? Besides I saw that there was some code you've given to make shopping cart works for the other ecommerce extentions ( I mean when we use another extention like HIKASHOP instead of Virtuemart). But it doesn't works in joomla 2.5 template, and even not the code given for aligning "search box" with "shopping cart". I'd appreciate it a lot if you could help me in that too.
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Fresh Boarder

Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:44 am

Sorry but I do not quite understand, can You please describe it one more time ?
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GK User
Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:23 pm
Hi Again,

sorry! well, I have 3 different questions:

1. Is about aligning the search box with the shopping cart position defined for this template, I mean right hand side on the top of the page, and there was a discussion on that topic in this forum ... -6339.html
But this does not work for joomla 2.5 template, and I wonder if the given code could be changed to work with this version...

2. Is about the shopping cart, As I use the Hikashop instead of Virtuemart and if I use another shopping cart module and put it in the defined position for the cart, it deoes not work. Again, there was a discussion on this topic as well. But the solution does not work on the joomla 2.5 version and I hope you can make it work with some modeifications... ... -7779.html

3. Facebook Preview: When you post link of a website on your facebook page, it automatically shows a preview of that link (a photo and some text...). This did not work for my website at all and I found an extention for that and now it works for some of the pages and still not working for the others. For example, for the home page with the adress of, in the preview it does not show the slideshow pics, but it just shows a small signe of "Find us on Facebook" signe which is not a good preview for my first page!!!

I would be very thankful if you could help me on these 3 topics and if still not clear, please let me know...
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:31 am

For issues 1 & 2 I will need You to display search and cart on the site so I'll be able to check it with developer tool.

3. Joomla do not send whole page only article part. You for sure got no article on homepage. It's always good to use futured articles type for this menu item.
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GK User
Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:44 pm

1&2.The search box is there (except for the home page) but not in the position I'd like it to be. And the shopping cart, no matter what module I put in the position of cart, the template's shopping cart appears on the position. Since I don't want my customers to see a not-working cart, I've left the hikashop cart in another position, in lefthand side of the page. and now for you to see what I mean, I put a module ( currency convertor of hikashop) in the cart position only in "About US" tab and here is the link:

3. The home menue has been "featured article" type. and the slideshow that I use is the same one designed for this template. I've just added a welcome article on the first page and that does not change anything. I want the facebook preview being able to show one of the slideshow pics in its preview as it does the same in the product pages. Even it let you choose which one of the product pics you want to show as preview! but this is not working in the home page....

Thank you,
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:38 am

Ok. Cart position is inside popup which is working fine with currency module. I believe the only thing confusing is this number of items, but You can remove it by this css code:

Code: Select all
#gkItems { display:none; }

Search is a little more complicated. There is no designed position for that in top area. So You will need to create Your own. Here is an instruction: ... -position/

I think there is a specific template for facebook which You can access from template settings. If what You see from there is not what You need try set a different template for facebook.
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GK User
Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:29 pm

Thank you for your response.

1- For the cart button, it was easy to remove the number of items. But the problem is that it seems that the "Go to checkout" button is also connected to virtuemart. I am using hikashop and can not get the link to hikashop when I click on the "Go to checkout" button. Any idea?

2- For the search position that I want to add close to the cart, I made the new position according to the instructions given in the link. The name of the new position appears on the list of positions in Joomla but I can not see the module on any page. I used "?tp=1" and still failed to see the new position (it works for other positions).

3- Changing the template for facebook does not help and even makes things worse. In the past, some pages could reach facebook preview but after changing the layout from "default" to "facebook", no preview is shown on facebook.

Thank you very much for your support.
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Fresh Boarder

Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:59 pm

I do not know why site has no preview on faebook, but if it works on some pages, than it must be because of one of the extentions.

For 1 & 2 plaese give me FTP access and I'll do that for You. It'll be faster this way.
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Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:50 pm

I got an ftp access. Unfortunately I will need also an access to joomla panel to test this new position and information from You under which link this new cart is displayed.
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Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:02 pm

I've replaced the link editing /layouts/blocks/logo.php file but I still have no access to joomla panel to run some tests on this new position.
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Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:27 am

Ok. Finally done by adding this code to css:

Code: Select all
#mod-search-searchword {

#gkCartBtn {

#gkCartBtn h2 {

#gkCartBtn a.button {
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