green and red thumbs up-down.GIF
sorry, I was not clear; I was trying to activate the little green-red thumbs up-down display ... did not see that on any GK template
How to turn on the avatars displaying?
Carry out the following actions in administrative panel of settings of JComments:
Select the "General" tab and setup the "Plugin support" parameter to "Yes". This parameter is responsible for third-party JComments plugins operation, including the avatar's plugin (if installed).
Select the "Permissions" tab and setup the rights on avatars' viewing for necessary user???s groups. Check the "Display Gravatar" parameter to allow chosen users group see the avatars.
Save the component's settings.
How to turn on the avatars displaying from third-party components?
Make the following steps to display the common avatars from third-party components, not Gravatars, (for example, CommunityBuilder or Fireboard):
Carry out actions describes in previous item above. In other words, turn on the plugins support, and give the rights for Gravatars viewing (yes, the Gravatars, they will be automatically replaced with common avatars).
Download and install the "JComments - Avatars" plugin.
Go to "JComments - Avatars" plugin settings and carry out the initial setup by choosing the avatar's type to display. Besides that, it is possible to set up the avatar as link to profile in third-party source component. Save the settings.
Publish the "JComments - Avatars" plugin.