I am using sporter theme for a long time.
I have this issue for a long time but never take it too important to ask, thinking it will be lost. Maybe it starts to anoying me now.
Problem is - on every Search engine result (Google search result) name of page is composed of Browser Page Title defined in Page Display Options for every menu item and strange Additional Title which is equal with firs Menu item title which is made as Home page.
So my page title for soccer live streams on Google results looks like > "Soccer live :: Soccer live streaming - Sport News" where "Sport News" is unnecessary part and is equal as first (home) menu item title (NOT Browser Page Title, but just name of that menu item).
Please help me how to remove it from, so my seo will be updated and cleared from that unnecessary part.
I have checked Global configuration and Menu items settings but could not find where from that additional part has being taken.
Please help.