Help needed: willing to pay

Elegant Joomla template designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.
GK User
Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:40 am
Ok, I'm at the end of my tether and just can't get it sorted, so time to resort to the professionals. Please have a look at the front page of my website ( at the bottom bit. Basically I'm trying to achieve the following:


The cyan lines denote how things should line up as I'm rather specific in this.

If you're interested, mail me at [email protected]
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:21 pm
Ok, I've made a lot of progress and am nearly there. One thing left though, so the offer still stands.

In the bottom right, in the "inset" module I want to place a "contact us" image but I've just put the face of the template developer there for the time being. However, this image does not line up with the rest:


The problem seems to be that there is a padding in layout.css:

Code: Select all
.main .inner {
   padding: 20px;


which adds 20px padding to the right of the image that I cannot seem to get rid off. I can change the aboveshown CSS, but that has an impact on the rest of the website (most notably the K2 pages).
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Junior Boarder
