Ok, I've read all the K2 documentation (or lack thereof!) and it's starting to all make sense to me know. I pretty much understand what K2 does and how it works, and I'm starting to get to grasps with how to change the Gavick template.
The frontpage layout is determine by "default.php" which resides in the directory /templates/gk_postnote/layouts, with the styles determined by gk_stuff which resides in the /tempaltes/gk_postnote/css folder.
Then within /components/com_k2/templates you have the generic.php file which drives the layout of 'k2container' div, with its subsequent elements such as 'item' in the 'default' folder, which allow me to changes the look of 'items' the 'comment form', etc. And the styles are determined by 'k2.css' which resides within the '/templates/gk_postnote/css' folder.
The one thing that eludes me before I can start changing things around is in which php file the 'gk_right' div is defined. If you look at an item page, such as for example the 'Lacoste Concept' page, then the basic structure is as follows:
<div id="gk-container">
<div class="static clearfix">
<div id="gk-mainbody" style="width: 76%;"></div>
<div id="gk-right" style="width: 24%;"></div>
Within the 'gk-mainbody' div is the 'k2container' div nested, which uses 'item.php' and 'item_comments_form.php'. However, for the life of me I cannot find how I can change what is in the 'gk-right' div, things such as the photo of Robert Moofito, his 'about me' bit, the tag cloud, etc. Basically I want to rip most of that out completely, and replace it with a different div structure in order to hold other modules and/or content.
In the module manager of Joomla I can see the modules that are placed in the right_bottom and right_top positions, but that doesn't allow me to, for example, completely deleted the 'gk-right' if I would wish to do so.