Hello everyone. I have a problem with punctuation not appearing in the 'tagline' of my website lassistance should read l'assistance and there should be parentheses around RH. Also, when you click on Inscription Infolettre (in the tools), I have included the text without accents because they do not appear. I've gone through the posts regarding first of all Cufon fonts. I've gone through the process of getting a LiberationSans-bold.tff file and uploaded it to the cufon.shoqolate.com/generate/ site, clicked on the appropriate selections and downloaded the .js file. I then went to edit template, fonts and selected the new file that was created in the Cufon - Headers listing Liberation_Sans_700.font.js and Liberation_Sans_700 in Cufon font name, without success. I've also tried other names in the Cufon font name such as Liberation_Sans. Could you please help me with this and the accents that don't appear in the 'regular' text? Many thanks in advance, Brigitte. My website is