I'm upgrading my website at http://www.sabraso.be/ to 2.5 at http://www.sabraso.be/sabraso3/.
I have bought the postnote template for 2.5 and am trying to make it look like my old website. I've put many hours in but haven't yet found a way to do so.
Issues at stake:
(mind you, I do want the picture and green box to be in the middle now)
- borders around the leftmost (top1) and rightmost (top6) boxes won't disappear. In the settings, I have no padding and I even set the exact dimensions of the thumbnails to match the old site.
- width of green box and picture box don't match, even though they're both in position top3
- bottom box (top7) is not as wide as the above bunch
- in addition, I'd like the empty space above the menu to be less
Can anyone help me or at least give me an indication as to where to look?