Gavick support makes me cry

Elegant Joomla template designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.
GK User
Sat May 05, 2012 8:35 am
Please let me know why you won´t support me? Even with a simple answer? This is horrible, to do posts and post and it takes ages to get an answer! Is this how Gavick treats its customers?

Please take a look at: ... 16163.html and let me know how to solve the issue. Seems that there was a lot of changes since the update of gk_postnote gavick template, but there is no documentation at all to fix this! :cry:
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GK User
Sat May 05, 2012 4:16 pm

I'm sorry if we left your post behind.
Sometimes it might happen and it's was not purposely, naturally.

I will have a look on your post.
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GK User
Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:29 am
It is just normal that a post needs to be anwererd several days or weeks. Regarding my post: ... 17242.html

There is just no reaction? WHY?? Just simple to check it, but no one from the support takes care..

Please h elp
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