Elegant Joomla template designed especially for both professional and personal website presentation.
GK User
Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:29 pm
Hi there,

this is just a bit frustrating. I did a post in the forum and a second one. I did a chat with the online support team, I wrote two messages to Don Lee and another member of the support team - Unfortunately no response at all. I purchased a liftime membership for about 100€ This is a lot of money for no support at all. Just disapointing. Is this how you guys treat your customers? Support or a hint or a workaround is urgently needed. As I´m not the only one who discovers problems with joomla 2.5 and gk_postnote. There are dozens of broken links in the update section. No one will redirect me to the updated template on 02/03/12 for version 2.7. Please advice. Seems that the more I ask for support the less it comes around.

The support makes me cry. No good for reviews and opinions on social networks. I´m working with clients too. If I treat my clients that way I truely will get problems.

So what should I gonna do at all? The template is possible to install via the extensions manager, but unfortunately it is not visible at the backend at all. Please advice what has to be done to bring it up to work. Seems something with the version in the templateDetails.xml is wrong. Not sure. Are you guys not testing a converted template for some cases like upgrade from previous version and other scenario?

Seems, that you leave the customers alone. That´s not good advertisement for you to recommend you to others.

I nedd help urgently as I told you. My support ticket was just closed without a helpfull answer and nobody tells me why!! This is just strange, but I have never ever had experience like this with other template developers.

Maybe you want me to payback my money. Not sure for what I do pay for? Seems not for support, but what should I do if a product I recently purchased is still not working? Just asking and open threads and ask and ask again. Very strange.I´m open for suggestions. Please tell me how to get ridd of the problems.


kind regards
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:49 am
Please look at topic where I respond you.
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:51 am
bkrztuk wrote:Please look at topic where I respond you.

I already did a reply but no answering yet. Did you test the template before releasing it? Im not the only one who has issues. So i just want to know how to solve the issue? Did you checked the templateDetails.xml to except a error within the file?
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:05 am
I need to response twice for the same questions because you duplicate topics and write the same in two different places. Yes, we TEST our templates before we release them, look at downloaded copies amount, do you think that all users have the same problem and waiting for a solution without asking on forum/ticket system ? Please move discussion to previous topic and will close this one.
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GK User
Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:38 am
I did the post because of no reaction! I was writing to a lot of members of the support team- No answer. So it seems that to open up a new thread was just helpfull to get some attention. But the problem not solved yet.
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GK User
Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:29 pm
We have re-created the quickstart packages and upgrade Joomla to 2.5.3 - please try to run this package. Do you have any local server where you can test installation (like mamp, wamp etc ?) I've checked it on MAMP and it is working without any errors, maybe the problem is on unzipping or download process, this is the only thing that comes to my mind. If you can test package on localhost and it will work the problem is in your hosting.
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GK User
Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:34 am
Just ridiculous, if you have no better answer it is just my hosting. Sorrry I have to say but this is just not the support I need. As the support is far far from the support of others like www.yootheme.ocm or www.rockettheme .com not sure if this is the best anwer.

THe main headline was a migration, just to remeber, but you guys help as good as you can but it is just normal that a reply needs days or weeks...have a look.: ... 17242.html

Do you realy think an suporter will help me? Lol no one, so I have top open up new threads again and again, until someone is recognizing. Just a very sad story, but I purchased a lifetime membership and cannot reccoment it to other in general. But this is just a support thing. The worst support I have ever had on the whole "Joomla" and "template" thing
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GK User
Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:37 pm
If you want to I can install for you clean latest Joomla from and our template via installation manager, I have 100% sure that the template will be working and surely visible via backend, please just send me details to clean ftp and database where I can install our product.
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