Here's the URL to the mobile version of the site (using the iPhone layout):
And then once that loads, navigate to a product page: ... -1991-2001
The layout looks really bad and the some of the text is overlapping with the dropdown box and add to cart button.
Any ideas on how to make it look better/not use some of the default VM icons/blue color?
Also, view this page on your mobile device:
I'd like to default all category view pages to only 1 column (instead of it being 3 columns like the desktop view) or have it size down the category thumbnails some automatically to prevent it from breaking the mobile friendly screen width...any potential fix for that?
On another note, it would be nice if I could choose a different menu to use for the mobile layout (so that way I can prioritize menu options that mobile users would normally need)...can you add this to the list of options with the template editor?