Kunena 1.6.4 changes highlight problem with menulink SEF

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GK User
Sun May 22, 2011 7:52 pm
The most recent update to Kunena caused a SEF problem on my site.

J1.5.23, gk_myStore 2.0.15, native SEF.

The Kunena menulink suddenly started having a link in the format /component/kunena/entrypage?defaultmenu=xx

There must have been some subtle change in the way Kunena built its urls but when I looked through I found that myStore does not apply the Itemid to menulink urls (which the mainmenu module and other templates do for instance). Simple change gk_mystore/libs/menu/base.class.php around line 719 solved it:

$tmp->url = $alias_item->link

changed to:

$tmp->url = $alias_item->link.'&Itemid='.$alias_item->id;
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