Hi, I have a virtuemart problem, and i know this is not your support resposibility. However, I posted this post on the Virtuemart forum a while back, bumped it, but nobody bother to help me. So, since i know you guys here are so nice, i now ask you for your help. Basically im stuck with a site i cant use because of this, and its quite annoying since i really want to start focusing on my core business.
So, here it goes:
I have some problems with the virtuemart connected to my joomla website, it doesnt cooperate 100% with the site. I can work the product organization backoffice nicely, the problem occur on the user stage. I have Virtuemart 1.1.6 installed, but the problem occurred also on previous versions, last 1.1.4. I have not launched my site yet so I don't know if its always been like this or not.
Here are the process that gives the symptoms:
1a. I add products into shopping cart, and choose the option "Continue Shopping". But when I then click the VM cart, i dont get directed to the shopping cart page, i get redirected back to my site homepage. However, the url in addressbar is:
The breadcrumbs on the homepage shows: Shopping cart.
1.b. If i in step 1a choose «go to cart» when i ad a product (not continue shopping) i get directed to the shopping cart overview page, with the url: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.cart&product_id=57&Itemid=205
But when i from this product overview page click «go to cart» again, i end up at the front page again, and the url shown is: index.php?page=checkout.index&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1&redirected=1&Itemid=1
Breadcrumbs on homepage now shows: Home, but page title field say «checkout step 1 of 4»
When i try to create a new account the message i get is "unable to establish the mail function" (this is directly translated from my language, Norwegian Wink ).
I can navigate around on my site and find all registered VM products. However, if i click «next or previous items» in the virtue mart product page, i end up on the homepage again. But breadcrumbs still show the product i tried to go to.
I start to feel that the virtuemart is not properly integrated in my system!..?? Since both sign up and shopping cart functions don't work properly i mean, which is all virtuemart actions.
I have tried to be as descriptive as possible in this forum post, hope it makes sense to some of you. Thanks you for your help:)