Hi Gavick Team,
after updating to version 2.0.10 the color of photoslide on the startsite is always red. It´s not possible to change it about the "template color"-parameter in the presets of the template.
best greetings!
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #e2012d; }
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style1/is_bullets.png'); }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #e2012d; }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style1/is_bullets.png'); }
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #415f80; }
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style2/is_bullets.png'); }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #415f80; }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style2/is_bullets.png'); }
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #a8bc1d; }
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style3/is_bullets.png'); }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_slide img:hover { border:1px solid #a8bc1d; }
.gk_is_wrapper-template .gk_is_pagination span { background-image:url('../images/style3/is_bullets.png'); }