Menu and Breadcrumb Confusion with VirtueMart

Change your online store into modern look with myStore eCommerce VirtueMart Joomla template - discussion forum.
GK User
Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:28 am
I am a beginner Joomla and shopping cart designer, so please forgive the immaturity of my questions.

My main problem is that I can not figure out how to integrate my VirtueMart products into the main menu of the MyStore template. For an example, say in the main menu, I wanted to create a menu item called "Sports" with a submenu item called "Basketball" that has a child item of "Basketball DVDs." I would want Basketball DVDs then to take my customer to the list of Basketball DVD products in my VirtueMart.

In my VirtueMart, I have Sports listed as a category with Basketball listed as a subcategory and Basketball DVDs listed as a subcategory of Basketball.

In the main menu of the template, I set Sports to be a VirtueMart, Basketball to be a VirtueMart and the Basketball DVDs submenu item to be a VirtueMart with a category ID that takes me to the list of Basketball DVD products that I have listed in the VirtueMart. However, once on the Basketball DVDs page that does list my products correctly, the breadcrumbs trail reads:

Home: Sports: Basketball: Basketball DVDs: Sports: Basketball: Basketball DVDs

instead of just

Home: Sports: Basketball: Basketball DVDs

I don't know if that made sense, but I was just wondering how to integrate VirtueMart products into the Mystore template main menu properly. I could just disable breadcrumbs, but I like having them and want to ensure that I am integrating products into the main menu the right way.

Is there a manual for the MyStore template? Or just forum Q&A's? I was thrilled that I found a great manual for the VirtueMart, however, I can not find one for the MyStore template in general.

Many thanks in advance for your time and assistance. I have included two screencaps to assist my explanation.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:10 pm
ey swissel.
welcome to gavick... is there a live site i can see ? or you run it in a local demo ?
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:08 am
Thank you very much! I am happy to be here!

My site is and I am just getting started with it, so there is not much there.

I'm wondering if it is right to select "virtuemart" as the menu item type for each item I want to put in the menu. I hope I'm not creating a bunch of different stores by doing that.

In the menu, if you go to Sports-->Basketball-->Basketball DVDs, you will see what I am referring to with the breadcrumbs.

Thank you for your time and assistance!
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Fresh Boarder
